Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the awesome ladies at The Broke and the Bookish. Apparently, they are overly fond of list-making and love to share their bookish lists with the rest of us book nerds.  =) We're game.

This week's list features the Top Ten Popular Authors We've Never Read:

April's picks:

Jennifer L. Armentrout
Marissa Meyer
Josephine Angelini
Libba Bray
Simone Elkeles
Huntley Fitzpatrick
Kasie West
Amy Plum
Sarah Ockler
Anna Carey

Okay, so no fancy picture for me! lol. I'll be honest, last night I decided to watch Sunday's Walking Dead on my DVR, rather than make a pretty picture. So These are all authors I haven't read yet and I'm kinda ashamed of this list. I do plan on knocking a few of these out this year though. First up, Marissa Meyer. Just started Cinder last night and I really love it so far. Kasie West will be soon after because I have heard nothing but amazing things about her stuff. Plus I should probably read one of Jennifer L. Armentrout's since I'll be meeting her this spring. I have a lot of stuff to read!! :)

Jen's picks:

How funny that neither of us has read anything by JLA?!? I have her newest book for review, so I plan on rectifying that very soon. And I hear constantly how I need to start MWT's The Queen's Thief series, and it does sound like something I'd love. I think I got the first book as a Kindle Daily Deal not too long ago. I've got a couple of Miranda Kenneally's books on my shelf, but I just haven't gotten to them yet, though they sound like perfect reads for me now that my love for contemporary novels is in full-swing. :)

And then, of course, there's Nicholas Sparks. I usually just don't like sappy love stories, and it seems that this is all he tends to write. I swore I'd never even watch one of the movie adaptations of his books, but I caved thanks to my sister forcing The Lucky One on me. Since then, I've seen The Last Song, A Walk to Remember, and The Notebook. I actually thought I was watching a Nicholas Sparks-based movie when I saw The Vow because it seemed like that type of story. :P I still don't know if I'd like reading a book by this author, but the movies based on them at least provide some eye candy, am I right? ;0)

If I'd had to answer this question a year ago, there would be sooooo many more authors on my list, but because of my audiobook addiction, I've actually experienced quite a few new-to-me authors in the last 12-18 months, including Melina Marchetta, Lucy Christopher, and Stephanie Perkins. But I also read actual books from authors whose work I'd never experienced before because I made myself make time for them, like John Green and Diana Peterfreund. I don't regret a thing...these are all new favorites!

So, which popular authors haven't you read yet? :)  Share the link to you TTT post so we can visit!


  1. I haven't heard of most of them! Except Kasie West, who you guys should DEFINITELY read. Also I'm just starting Cinder by Marissa Meyer and it's great :)

    My TTT: http://theloonyteenwriter.wordpress.com/2014/03/04/top-ten-tuesday-popular-authors-ive-never-read/

    1. I've read every Kasie West book that's currently out, and I have On the Fence at the top of my TBR pile. I'll harass April to get on those soon. I even bought her The Distance Between Us for her birthday today. :D

    2. lol, I'm catching up on comments and so many people are like, what!!! No Kasie West!!? Maybe I will read The distance between us this weekend.

  2. I'm someone that loves JLA. So I definitely suggest reading her work. I also loved My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick. That's another read I'd highly suggest. All the other authors I haven't read either. So I'm in the same boat as you both.

    1. Everyone does apparently...I don't know how I've missed reading her books all this time. And My Life Next Door is amazing...one of the books that actually made me like contemporaries again. :)

    2. It's sad, because I own a ton of books by these authors, but I just haven't gotten around to reading them yet. Working on it though. lol

  3. I love Simone Elkeles, you should definitely give her a chance. In my books, she started the New Adult sub genre way before it got popular. I've heard many good things about Megan Whalen Turner. I really should read her books soon.

    1. I've heard the same said about Diana Peterfreund's Society Girls series...that she was writing New Adult before it even had that ridiculous label. And I like her newer NA stuff. I've got a Simone Elkeles book on my shelf, but I got it before I was really into contemporaries and just never made time for it.

    2. I don't think I own any by Simone Elkeles. I must give her a try.

  4. I heart JLA and Marissa Meyer. I don't love Melissa Marr quite as much, but after the first book (not my favorite) in her Wicked Lovely series, it got REALLY good.

    1. Marissa Meyer is a wizard with words...I love the Lunar Chronicles, and I finally convinced April to give them a try. And I've heard that about Marr's Wicked Lovely series, which is why she's still on my "to read" list. :)

    2. I just finished Cinder today and it was AMAZING! so I can cross her off my list. We should make a point to read every author on our lists before the end of the new year. lol.

      And Jen, I have all the Wicked lovely books, so if you dont and want to borrow them, let me know! I'll drop them in the mail

  5. great list. I just read The Book of Broken Hearts by Sarah Ockler and came so close to crying, she's been on my to read list for as long as I can remember, and I'm really happy that I've finally got around to reading something by her and that it was that book because I was blown away so you should give her a try, read a lot of others on the list too and they are without a doubt worth a read too :)

    My TTT

    1. I think I liked Bittersweet better than The Book of Broken Hearts, but I still need to read Twenty Boy Summer...I bet I'll like that one best. :)

    2. Twenty Boy Summer is the one I've had on my list for a I don't know how long, I need to get around to reading the rest because I loved The Book of Broken Hearts so much haha

  6. JLA made my list too!! And Marissa Meyer should have as well. I need to read those 2 for sure! My Life Next Door (Huntley Fitzpatrick) is seriously an amazing book... I cannot recommend it enough :) Oh and Sarah Ockler!! Bittersweet was awesome. Cool list!

    My TTT

    1. Oh, yay, someone else who is apparently missing out on JLA. :) My Life Next Door IS an amazing book...I put the author on my auto-buy list after just that one book because it was so good. I'll force April to read it soon. :)

    2. lol, I do have it.. I just need to find the time to read it. :)

  7. Marissa Meyer & Libba Bray are 2 of my fave authors, their books are a definite must-read. ;)
    I've also read Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini though I wasn't a fan of it with all the insta-love.

    My TTT: http://wp.me/p3aBb6-z7

    1. Mine, too! I can't believe how many awesome authors April's never gotten to read before! I must send her all the books, right?!? :D

  8. From April's Pick: I haven't read any of these authors either. I actually haven't even heard of these authors except for Marissa Meyer and Libba Bray

    Jen's Picks: I haven't read any of them except for Patrick Ness, which his book, A Monster Calls, is AMAZING> A MUST READ.

    check out my TTT @ Book Hangovers Blabs Books
    Thanks for sharing guys ♥

    1. I have heard that time and again...and I actually have a copy of that book and his newest one to read. I need to make time for them so I can see what all the fuss is about.

  9. Ahhhhh, no Kasie West??? You guys are missing out on so much awesomeness!
    Marissa Meyer is another good one. These are so good on audio! My favorite along with the Shatter Me audio series.
    I really love Simone Elkeles, especially Perfect Chemistry.
    My Life Next Door is such a good book. Jase <3
    Catching Jordan and Racing Savannah are my favorite Miranda Kenneally books although they are all really good.

    1. Well, April's missing out. I'm a Kasie West fangirl. The only one I haven't read is On the Fence and it's up next on my TBR, I think. :) I definitely agree that Marissa Meyer's books are superb on audio.

  10. Whaat?? You both haven't read a book by Jennifer L. Armentrout? That's really surprising!

    1. I know, right? Especially considering how many people are fangirls for her books. But I do have Don't Look Back for review, so I aim to remedy that pretty soon.

  11. You guys must read JLA! She's addictive lol.
    Also, Jen, Megan Whalen Turner is AMAZING. Her Thief series is one of my favorites. One of the best ships of all time, really. :)

    1. So I've heard! :) And I've heard that about the MWT ship, too. Now you've really got me wanting to read it. :) I'll have to see if it's available on audio.

  12. I haven't read most of the ones you listed! But I'm the same...a few years ago I hadn't read ANYTHING (mostly everything I read was 20 or 30 years old....lol, and I only read for school, not for fun). I'm pretty happy that I've read most of the HUGE names, like Marissa Meyer and John Green and Suzanne Collins, and all. I REALLY want to read something Kasie West. XD

  13. I have many of those authors on my list as well (although I have many of them in my TBR pile here and just haven't gotten around to them yet), so many great authors it's hard to keep up. :) I have read Marissa Meyer and Simone Elkeles and really enjoyed both. Great lists!

    My Top Ten Tuesday

  14. Jen, we're more on the same page, but APRIL. No Marissa Meyer or Kasie West?! MY HEART.

  15. Gasp! Marissa Meyer! Go read her now! I haven't read any of the others though and my list is pretty ridiculous so I can't say much, but Marissa Meyer is phenomenal.


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