Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the awesome ladies at The Broke and the Bookish. Apparently, they are overly fond of list-making and love to share their bookish lists with the rest of us book nerds.  =) We're game.

This week's list features the Top Ten Items On My Bookish Bucket List. Could be blogging related, book related etc. -- meeting authors, reading x many books per year, finishing a daunting book, etc.

April's picks:

-Go to a large book event. I’ve only ever been to a book signing, no large events. I’m signed up to work at one this Spring so I’ll be knocking this off the list real soon! I really want to go to BEA someday. *sigh* Someday.

the truth about forever-Read all of Sarah Dessen’s books. Lame? Maybe, but a couple years ago my friend Andrea and I decided we wanted to do this together. It was our Dessen Quest. Life got in the way, and it just never happened. I’m going to make it happen, even if it’s on my own.

-Finish all the series books!! Let’s be honest, this will never happen, because I continue to pick more without the finishing the ones I’ve started.

-Meet Jess and Jen in person… This will happen someday. Probably not anytime soon, because we all have little ones and you know how that is. But I would love to actually meet them someday.

- Read Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. Two of my H.S. friends read, loved and raved about these books. They have been trying to get me to read it forever, so I plan to someday do this. It’s so freaking long though that it’s damn near impossible to squeeze into my reading schedule.

Jen's picks:

Outlander (Outlander, #1)- To finally read Outlander by Diana Gabaldon: I have the audio for Outlander, but it's like 33 hours long, which to me, is rather daunting. But I usually finish an average length audiobook in a day or two. Still, I want to know what everyone is going on about.

- To finish that damn review archive: April and I have been discussing the review archive forever, but we've actually put very little work into it yet. We need to rectify that immediately.

- Start writing my own stories again...the ones that have been wandering around in my head for ages: Not for anyone else to read, necessarily, but just because I want to. I used to write all the time, even some really bad poetry, but life and blogging take up most of my free time these days, so I haven't put pen to paper in awhile.

- Read all of the unread books on my shelves: Something else I need to do that requires more free time is reading all of my unread books. And there are some really good ones on my shelf. Even some full series that I could read back-to-back. That would be a welcome change.

- Attend BEA: I thought I was going to be able to attend BEA this year, but my plans fell through. Really hoping to be able to swing it next year, though. I just want to experience it once. I don't think that's asking too much. =)

How funny that two of our bucket list items are the same! We didn't even discuss this beforehand! I don't think there was ever a question that our co-bloggership would work out. =)

So, what's on your bookish bucket list? :)  Share the link to you TTT post so we can visit!


  1. Eek, these lists are awesome! I love them all...yessss to BEA. I mean, I live in Oz and we have a weird version of it, but I'd secretly like to go to America solely for the purpose of experiencing something like BEA. I'd also like to read all my unread books. Har, har, that's hilarious of me. -_- My TTT!

  2. I also want to read all the unread books on my bookshelf..I just need to stop adding to the list! Great list, hope you guys get to do the things on your lists :)

  3. I love both lists! YES to BEA, of course. One year, we'll BOTH go and meet and have lots of fangirling fun!

  4. I want to cut down on the amount of unread books on my shelves as well. It's really killer because I've got some great books but the new ones are just so hard to pass by! Great list :-)

  5. I want to read all my unread books as well. I have several...hundreds. I'm not kidding. :(

  6. I agree with reading Outlander! I've had that book in my bookcase forever now. I even got the ebook and audio for my kindle a month or two ago b/c it was on sale, $3.50 for both.
    Just learned about the BEA event today! I. WOULD. DIE! I have got to do that one day before i die! FOR REAL!!!! Thanks for sharing ladies!!! xoxox
    check out my top ten @ Book Hangovers Blabs Books

  7. It is funny how close your lists are. I would also love to go to BEA someday. I'm also hoping for next year, but as I have no idea where I'll be then (hopefully I'll have a full time job *fingers crossed*), but I'm dying to go. I've already decided to just watch the show Outlander without worrying about reading the book. I just really struggle with HUGE books. Great lists!

  8. I would love to attend BEA...one day right? I also have so many books I want to read. The stack/list is never-ending and growing every Tuesday!

  9. I want to read any of Sarah Dessen's books. I haven't read a single one yet and everyone raves about them but then I forget and urgh. BTW Outlander will son be a film or a TV series (I've forgotten which one), so you should get onto that SOON.

    ★ Under The Mountain's Supernatural TTT ★

  10. I really need to read Outlander too. My MIL keeps telling me I'm missing out. And I love Sarah Dessen!

  11. BEA would be so great! I went to ALA in January and it was amazing. So BEA is my newer goal.

    I love how this is a Top 10 Tuesday! You may also want to link up to the original Bookish Bucket List, too!

  12. Great bucket lists! A big bookish event is one I would choose, too. I went to a fairly big author interview/signing/conversation event a month or so, but while it was big for NC, it is small compared to BEA or ALA or those types. BEA is on my bucket list for sure. I am always uber jealous of everyone that gets to go!

    Reading all the unread books on my shelves will never happen, but I will die trying!

  13. PLEASE COME TO BEA!!! I want to meet you! Maybe next year. For some reason I was thinking you did the read along of Outlander a few years ago, but I guess not. It's a good one! But intense. However, I haven't been able to read the rest of the series yet. It's epically long. Reading all of my unfinished series and books would take forever! But I'd like to do that too.

  14. Dreaming of seeing my name on a book cover is a passion of mine. With the help of a professional MBA assignment writer, I can concentrate on creating my literary masterpiece, confident that my academic obligations are being handled with precision and expertise. It's a dual accomplishment on my literary bucket list.


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