Sunday, March 30, 2014


Stacking The Shelves #10

Sunday, March 30, 2014 with 9 comments

Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews and is a way to share with everyone all the goodies you've received through out the week. 

Just click the covers to be taken to their goodreads pages. 

For Review

Searching for SkyThe Body in the WoodsWish You Were ItalianThe Wells End

Thank you Bloomsbury, Macmillan, & Blackstone Audio

I'm a little unsure about Searching for Sky, but the description intrigued me. The Body in the Woods sounds different from what I usually read, gotta mix it up! Wish you were Italian will probably be a little fluff piece but they are a guilty pleasure of mine and The Wells End is my first Audio book for review. I've heard some good things about that one!



I read Exiled a really long time ago, but a friend lent me her copy. I really liked it, and I'm not sure why it's taken me this long to get myself a copy. :) Everwild, well, I just couldn't resist this ones cover.

I didn't purchase anything this week!!!! Yay!!! Success. I'm holding on to that whole 73 cent credit from the amazon lawsuit thing. Saving it up for something good. lol. I hope you all had a great week!


  1. The Well's end looks so good! I love virus books :D Wish you were Italian is a perfect book for the nice weather I've lately, although I'm not such a fan of the overall cover. Searching for sky sounds interesting :) Happy reading!

  2. OOh, The Body in the Woods! I can't wait to read that one! :)

    Searching for Sky looks pretty good too

  3. Little fluff pieces are a guilty pleasure of mine too, but I've managed to resist requesting Wish You Were Italian… for now :P Curious to see what you think!

  4. Wish You Were Italian looks like a superb fluff book! If your weather looks anything like mine (rainy, cloudy, windy), it'll be a perfect time to read it! Great haul :)

  5. I received Searching for Sky this week as well. Exile is such a good book nice that you finally own a copy of your own. Great haul this week. Can't wait to hear your thoughts on Well's End.
    My Weekly Wrap Up

  6. I got Wish You Were Italian this week too! Happy Reading! Here's my STS if you'd like to stop by.

  7. I got Exiled a while back but it's still sitting unread on my Kindle. Hope you enjoy all your books!

  8. The Body in the Woods sounds really great, hope you enjoy it!

  9. Looking forward to your first audio book review, April. That should be good! :) Hope you enjoy all the goods!

    Marlene @ The Flyleaf Review


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