Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Review: Storm Warning by E. Lee & C. Quinn

Wednesday, March 26, 2014 with 1 comment

Title: Storm Warning
Author: E. Lee & C. Quinn
Series: Broken Heartland #1
Publisher: Self Published
Publication Date: December 12th, 2013
Source: Purchased
Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Noble

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Sometimes you can’t see the storm coming until it’s too late...

Severe Storm Warning Tip #1:
Be alert to changing weather conditions. Look for approaching storms.

Severe Storm Warning Tip #2:
If you see approaching storms or any of the danger signs, be prepared to take shelter immediately.

Severe Storm Warning Tip #3:
They may strike quickly, with little or no warning.

Situated just outside of Oklahoma City, Calumet County is divided into two drastically different communities: Hope’s Grove and Summit Bluffs. One is the small backward town where dirt roads lead the way to field parties and railroad tracks. And the other, a sprawling suburb where paved drives lead to the landscaped lawns of the wealthy and over privileged.

For five teenagers smack in the middle of Tornado Alley, summer is heating up fast. The winds of change are blurring the invisible line that divides the rich and the rural.

One has a secret. One has a crush. One has been lying. One will get caught. And one might not make it out alive.

They’re from two different worlds…but one summer is about to change everything.

Storm Warning was pretty much what I expected it to be. A fluffy read with tons of drama. My friend Jess and I buddy read this one, and it was fun to text back and forth about who said and did what. I have to admit I rather enjoyed this one. Did it blow me away with brilliance? No, definitely not, but it was fun.

There are multiple points of view in this one. Five teenagers who are connected in ways some of them don’t even realize. You’ve got 3 guys and 2 girls. This one’s dating this one, but is on a break with that one, but that one is now dating someone related this one. It’s a hot mess, and I liked every second of it. The lead up to when all hell breaks loose was quite amusing.

As I’m sitting here writing this review I can’t even remember these characters names. That’s sad, but they were not very memorable. I didn't really find any connection with any of them. It’s an entertaining story, but not the type that sticks with you. It’s a quick read though! It’s just as well that I can’t remember all their names, because to tell you what goes down with them would be totally spoilery. There isn’t too much that happen’s other than the boy/girl/dating drama.

There is a cliff hanger. A total WTF cliff hanger, and I’m not sure how I’ll feel about the next book. I think for sure I will get it, because I do want to know what happens, but I’ll be honest. Cliff hangers like these piss me off. I don’t mind a cliff hanger, but I do like a little bit of closure. There was no closure here, it was all …. “BAM, you better buy the next one!” Which is the point I guess, but still.

Storm Warning was just okay for me. Not bad, but not amazing either. I believe it's 99 cents for kindle right now.

About the author:

Elizabeth   LeeBorn and raised in the middle of a Midwestern cornfield (not literally, that would be weird), I’ve spent my entire life imagining stories. Stories where the right guy always gets the right girl, first kisses are as magical as they are on the big screen and anything is completely possible if you believe.

Although this journey began years ago, it recently took on a whole new life. After years of devouring hundreds of Romance, YA and New Adult novels, I had an epiphany... I should write a book. And I did it!

If I’m not reading, writing, enjoying drinks with my amazing group of girlfriends or chasing around a sarcastically funny kid, I’m probably watching television shows that were created for teenagers, while my husband teases that I’m too old to watch them.

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About the author:
Caisey Quinn
Caisey Quinn lives in a suburb outside of Birmingham, Alabama with her husband, daughter, and other assorted animals. She wears cowgirl boots most of the time, even to church. She is the bestselling author of the Kylie Ryans series and writes New and Young Adult books about country girls finding love in unexpected places.

Find Caisey:

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1 comment:

  1. Never heard of this one, but I think I'll wait until you review book 2 before diving in, especially with the mention of that frustrating cliffhanger. :P


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