Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Top Ten Tuesday: My Spring 2014 TBR

Tuesday, March 18, 2014 with 16 comments

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the awesome ladies at The Broke and the Bookish. Apparently, they are overly fond of list-making and love to share their bookish lists with the rest of us book nerds.  =) We're game.

This week's list features the Top Ten Books On My Spring 2014 TBR List:

April's picks:

Pivot PointMaybe SomedayThe Winners CurseHow to Meet BoysHow To LoveOn the FenceDays of Blood and StarlightThe Kiss of DeceptionWorld AfterSecond Chance Summer

Some of these are review books and some are not. Now that I have Audible, I will for sure be able to get to a few of these, like World After and Days of Blood and Starlight. Definitely going Audio with those two. The Winners Curse, I definitely have to get to soon, because Jen might kill me if I don't. :-P

Jen's picks:

Dreams of Gods & Monsters (Daughter of Smoke & Bone, #3)Meridian (Arclight, #2)What I Thought Was TrueSweet Reckoning (The Sweet Trilogy, #3)The Geography of You and MeThe Lovely and the Lost (The Dispossessed, #2)We Were LiarsOn the FenceWildWhere Silence Gathers (Some Quiet Place, #2)

Most of these I have in my possession and a few I'm waiting with bated breath for release day. But all are high on my priority list, despite the, ahem, schedule of review books I have going. In my defense, one of my resolutions this year was to read what I wanted, when I wanted to read it, and so far, I'm doing a pretty great job at that one. =)

And yes, April, you'd better get on TWC pronto. I need you to love it and then discuss it with me! :D

So, which books are on your TBR pile for this Spring? :)  Share the link to you TTT post so we can visit!


  1. How to Love and a Kasie West book should have so made my list this week!! I totally forgot that I really want to read those books! I can't wait for What I Thought Was True and We Were Liars. Those are 2 of my favorite authors... great list :)

    My TTT

  2. Great lists, girls!
    World After and Pivot Point are great, April; I hope you enjoy them!
    I am so incredibly jealous you all have On the Fence! I just read Kasie West's books this year, but I already need another one. =)

  3. Aw, don't you love co-bloggers that threaten your life if you don't hurry up and read a certain book? ;) My sister basically threw Fangirl at me. But I threw Cress right back at her, so we're sort of even. XD I love both your picks! I'm kind of dying for The Winner's Curse. :)

  4. So many good books. Kiss of Deception, Meridian, The Lovely and the Lost, We Were Liars, Wild.... and so many more. Lots of reviews coming I see.

  5. Wooow! You guys got two great top 10's
    I hope they got published very soon so you can read them.

    My Top 10

  6. How to Love is a really nice book! I highly recommend it! I read it and it was really nice. The others I haven't read yet haha.

  7. I'm seeing What I Thought Was True EVERYWHERE! I am so freaking excited for that book! I'm hoping to re-read Second Chance Summer this summer and also read Over the Fence - it looks so good!

    My Top Ten

  8. my copy of The Winner's Curse finally arrived and I can't wait to get to it! Though it'll need to wait a few weeks. :( On the Fence! Gah! I think it's my favorite of Kasie West. I hope you both love it too. And I must get to get Meridian VERY soon. Maybe next week. Enjoy!

  9. Great lists, ladies!! I loved Pivot Point, so I hope you do too, April!! I'm super excited to read On the Fence, Maybe Someday, Second Chance Summer, and What I Thought Was True also! That's a whole lot of beautiful covers you got there, girls! :)

  10. omg another some quiet place novel!!! eeeeeek!! I loveloveloved the first one.

    My TTT

  11. lots of books I want to read on your lists! Thanks for sharing and I hope you enjoy :)

  12. You both have some great books on your lists! I myself am very excited about the Daughter of Smoke and Bone series and Penryn and the End of Days (Angelfall and World After) I can't wait for the 3rd book's cover release and book release!!!
    Check out my Top Ten @ Book Hangovers Blabs Books
    Happy Spring y'all! xoxo

  13. Great lists!! I also can't wait to read Maybe Someday and Sweet Reckoning!! Pivot Point is in my TBR pile for spring too!!

    My TTT

  14. There are some fantastic books on April's list - The Winner's Curse, Pivot Point, and Days of Blood and Starlight. On Jen's list - I haven't read any of those, but most of them are on my TBR. I'm most excited for DoGaM and We Were Liars. Hope you both enjoy them all!

    Stephanie @ Inspiring Insomnia

  15. These are great lists! I'm so excited for so many of these picks! Thanks for sharing :) My Top Ten Tuesday - Spring 2014 TBR

  16. Great picks! I am looking forward to reading a few of these myself, especially The Kiss of Deception, We Were Liars, What I Thought Was True and The Winner's Curse. I just read and reviewed Maybe Someday and absolutely LOVED it, such a brilliant book and the music added so much to the experience. I hope you find the time to get to them all :) My TTT.


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