Wednesday, November 14, 2012


"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

This week's WoW selection is...

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Title:  With All My Soul
Author:  Rachel Vincent
Series:  Soul Screamers, the 7th & final book
Publisher:  Harlequin Teen
Publication Date:  March 19, 2013

What does it mean when your school is voted the most dangerous in America?

It's time to kick some hellion butt...

After not really surviving her junior year (after all, she did die), Kaylee Cavanaugh has vowed to take back her school from the hellions causing all the trouble. She's going to the find a way to turn the incarnations of Avarice, Envy and Vanity and the rest on each other. And so she–and her gang–make plans to protect her friends and finish this war, once and forever.

But then she meets Wrath. And Kaylee realizes that she's closer to the edge than she's ever been. Especially when one more person she loves is taken...

Why I'm waiting:  As if you didn't know.  :P  Seriously, I can't really say all that much without spoiling the previous books for those who haven't read them yet -- and surprisingly, there are still quite a few of those people out there!  -- but c'mon...this is the last book in the series!  I have to see how it all goes down.  And after reading that synopsis, I fear more for Kaylee than ever before.  Hasn't she been through enough?  Hasn't she seen enough death and destruction to last multiple lifetimes?  Sure, she's got Tod, I'll give you that, but it sounds as if Ms. Vincent wants to put her through the ringer one more time before she lets her have her happily ever after...if she even gets that.  *bites nails*


  1. Love this series! SO sad it is the last one! I just hope Kaylee and Tod get an HEA!
    My WOW

    1. They'd better! I'm sad, too, but I still have one other series of hers to read, so maybe that'll tide me over until she writes something else. :)

  2. I agree, I just HAVE to see how this all ends! I mean, after the end of BIW they're all in deeper shit than ever before... and I want to see how poor Emma handles her changed situation.
    Oh, and I'd never say no to more Tod :P
    I really hope they make ARCs of this one or it goes on NetGalley *sigh*

    My WoW

    1. *sigh* I don't even remember there being ARCs for Before I Wake, so I'm doubtful that there will be any for this final book. :(

  3. This is a great series, well the ones I've read in it anyway. I need to catch up so I can read the finale. As a side note can we all just take a moment to appreciate consistent yet gorgeous covers.

    My WoW

    1. I know...each one if even better than the previous cover. I think this one is my favorite. :) Well, wait, except for the 2nd omnibus...that cover is GORGEOUS.

  4. Great pick! And you just reminded me that I never read Before I Wake!!! Going to order now!!

    1. What?!? You still haven't read it? :P Get on that, Andrea!

  5. I'm one of the few that haven't read this series yet. Can you even believe it?! I must sit in shame now... or just go and order the books already, what the heck am I waiting for??!! :D

    1. What ARE you waiting for? Wait, if you just wait until April, you can read all the books back-to-back. So, maybe waiting was a good thing? :P

  6. Oh yes! I am dying for this one. Its one of my favorite series!

    My WoW

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

    1. One of mine, too, and I wasn't really expecting it to be when I first started it. I'm sad to see it end. :(

  7. I still haven't read this series either. I'm not sure if I ever will because I don't read a lot of paranormal, but I have heard a ton of good things about it :)

    My WoW

    Tiffany @ Book Cover Justice

    1. There's a lot of paranormal elements, but there's also a lot of teenage angstiness, too. ;)

  8. I am behind in these books -- I think I read the first two. But the covers are to die for!!

    1. Haha...was that a play on the theme of the series? :P Seriously, they are gorgeous. I've bought every book, even the omnibuses (omnibi? :P), just to have the pretties on my shelf.

  9. Agreed...I'd prefer to wait until a whole series is out before starting a book, but sometimes I can't help myself. :P

  10. I haven't read these books yet! Haha. But from all the good things I've heard maybe I should... lol. Happy Wednesday!
    Stop by MY WOW?
    XOXO, Inky@ Book Haven Extraordinaire

  11. I haven't read anything by her yet, but I have heard great things.
    Hope you get to read it soon!
    Brandi from Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  12. I haven't read this series yet. I must say, I've seen all the covers but this one is definitely my favorite. :)

    Thanks for stopping by my post!

    ~Sara @ Forever 17 Books

  13. I'm in love with this series and I'm so excited to read this!! Kinda sad it will be done too, but at least the author has some other series :) Perfect choice this week!

  14. Haven't had the chance to read these but they have gorgeous covers. Thanks for sharing! :)

    Jennifer @ Dream Reads

  15. I still have to read the Soul Screamers series, but it sounds really good! :) I also love the cover for this one. Great pick!

  16. I haven't read this series but oh my that cover! I love it. Hopefully I have time to start it soon. Wonderful choice!

    Thanks for dropping by! x

  17. Agh! I am so far behind in this series! Dumb! I need to check up so bad! Great pick this week!!

    Come check out my WoW!


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