This last week seemed longer even than last week -- my first full week back at the office. Maybe it's because I'm already anticipating my three-day weekend, or maybe it's because I woke up on Wednesday thinking it was already Thursday...whatever the reason, I am so glad the weekend is finally here. I plan to spend Monday working on my library. Speaking of, a blog reader told me about this really awesome program to help organize your library, meaning I might not end up using my mad spreadsheet skills after all. Bummer, but this program actually looks really nifty, and I can try it for free for 30 days.So, since my end-of-the-week post isn't just about what I got in my mailbox or on my Kindle each week -- though that is a big part of it, I won't lie -- I decided to change up the title and intro a bit. I might tweak the format a bit over the next few weeks, but for the most part, it'll contain the same stuff: stuff I got, stuff I did, and stuff that's coming up on the blog. Plus, I get to use the awesome GIF you see here and blow kisses to all the people who sent me lovely books and bookish things.
Anyway, here's what I scored this week:
For Review:

Thank you, Scholastic and Macmillan!!!
(click on the cover(s) above to be taken to the Goodreads page for each book)
Okay, so I've got, like, three unread Elizabeth Eulberg books on my shelf currently, but I am going to read Better Off Friends FIRST because I adore best friend romances like no other. =) I finally requested Sekret because of Lauren's initial thoughts...if she loved it, I'm pretty much guaranteed to, as well. And, well, I couldn't pass up the chance to grab one of my most anticipated retellings. Second Star is a Peter Pan reimagining but with SURFERS. That has awesome written all over it.

I couldn't pass up these daily deals/one-time only steals on Audible. I've seen The Virgin Suicides, but it's been awhile, and I think I'd like the audio. And my friend Emily has been harassing me for ages to finally read Tell the Wolves I'm Home, so maybe now that I have the audio, I'll get on that. I think I've only read one or two John Green books and maybe one David Levithan book, but I liked them, so I'm interested to see how this collab works, the two narrators for Will Grayson, Will Grayson are pretty awesome.
So, that's my haul. How about you? What did you get this week?
- No Place Like Oz (novella)
- Lady Thief (sequel)
- Unbound (indie)
- The Art of Falling (audio)
- Cruel Beauty (2014 debut)
Current Giveaways: all giveaways have ended, but here are some recent winners: Lisamarie, Mary & Christine all won mystery boxes in the Clear Your Shelf Giveaway and Chanpreet won a copy of Roomies
Promotional/Discussion Posts: 2014 Debuts I Need Yesterday, a discussion on Giveaway Bandits, and a promo tour for Morgan Rhodes' Rebel Spring
Jen's Currently Reading/Listening To:

I haven't picked out my next listen, but I'm leaning toward Hollow City since I have a review copy.

I really enjoyed the Will Grayson, Will Grayson audio and the narrators are great. I still need to review that one in fact. I really want to read Better Off Friends because I also love best friend romances! I hope they end up together though...otherwise I'll be super disappointed. Enjoy!
ReplyDeleteMy Stack
Oh, yay...I figured it was good since MacLeod Andrews is one of the narrators and I kind of love him, but it's always good to hear it from someone else. :) I really hope Better Off Friends is as cute as it sounds, but also that there's a HEA, especially with that title. o_O
DeleteOh man, I saw that Second Star book was added to Netgalley, but I hate Peter Pan. I really do. lol. And It took me a long time to pick up Tiger Lily, ( which I ended up loving btw) But I just don't know about this one. Surfers.. on an island, like the lost boys. Hmmmm. Wonder if they just sit out there all day and toke up under palm trees. I think I'll just wait and see what you think first. lol.
ReplyDeleteI'm waiting to hear back if I'll get approved for Better Off Friends. That one sounds so cute. :-)
What? How can you hate Peter Pan? That's crazy! :P Seriously, I get it...he's a boy who can't face growing up, but whatever...I don't want to grow up either. :) I'd be okay if that's all they did on the island, as long as they were hot and shirtless. =) I might read it sooner than later because I'm on a bit of a retelling kick right now. I was actually surprised I got approved for Better Off Friends...Scholastic is always hit or miss with me. I hope it's adorable. :)
DeleteBetter Off Friends looks really cute!
ReplyDeleteDoesn't it? I hope it's adorbs but doesn't ruin me for all her other books. Lol.
DeleteHaha, that gif is awesome XD
ReplyDeleteI've heard a lot about The Virgin Suicide but I just always hesitate. Not sure if it's the book for me. Will Grayson Will Grayson though is supposed to be really awesome! I hope you love all your books Jen, and have fun with the library on Monday :)
My StS
Hehe...right? I still miss Tina and Amy, but these two are good together, too. Gonna be sad to see Seth go. Um, I only saw the movie way back when, and I probably wouldn't have picked up the book otherwise. I actually don't remember all that much about it, either. Probably best to go into it that way. ;) I really hope WG,WG is awesome...I know I'm one of the last people to read/listen to it, but I actually haven't read any reviews, so I don't really know what to expect. :)
DeleteI am SO curious about Second Star...I didn't request it because I was worried about the contemp setting and triangle but I'm crazy eager to hear what you think of it. Sadly, I don't think I realized that The Virgin Suicides was a book first. I should have figured. Great haul!
ReplyDeleteMan, I kind of love the evil Peter Pan storyline on OUaT, so I had to get it, triangle or not. And I didn't realize The Virgin Suicides was an adaptation either...I probably wouldn't have read the book first anyway. :P
DeleteI thought of requesting Second Star but then I don't really do contemporaries and I'm sort of afraid it will end badly. Love the Virgin Suicides movie. That casting was perfect. Was going to pick up the audiobook but decided not to after hearing narrator. Once I write my review for Cruel Beauty I'm gonna check out yours. I wanted to peek when I saw it but didn't since I was still reading it. Anywho, great haul this week. Happy Reading!
ReplyDeleteNo contemporaries at all? I used to be that way. It was only really last year that I decided to give them a try again and now I kind of love them. :) It's been so long since I saw the movie...I'm hoping this audio is good. I didn't check out the narrator first 'cause I got it for $2.95 I think, but that could be problematic. There aren't many narrators I don't like, but the ones I don't, I REALLY don't. :) I can't wait for you to finish Cruel Beauty so I can see what you thought of it! The reviews have been so varied for it, at least from what I've seen...
DeleteI wasn't really interested in Second Star at first, but now I'm seeing it everywhere and it seems pretty interesting. I also have a copy of Will Grayson, Will Grayson, but just haven't gotten around to reading it yet...
ReplyDeleteRachel @ The NerdHerd Reads
Alas, someone else who hasn't read WG,WG. :) I thought I was the last one! I'm pretty excited about Second Star...I really hope it's as good as it sounds.
DeleteI really like Elizabeth Eulberg' s books. They aren't changing the world, but they are really fun. I'm excited for Sekret and Second Star. The Virgin Suicides is one of the few books where I thought the movie was better. The book is just so vague although it's been years since I've read it. Hope you love your new reads and have a great weekend!
ReplyDeleteEh, not every book has to change the world. :) I'm even more excited about Second Star now that I've finally caught up on OUaT. :P I need more Peter Pan!
Delete"Harrassing" you? Psh. Lies. You know you are excited! And the moment you pick that up is the moment that I pick of TSoT.
ReplyDeleteWill Grayson, Will Grayson is my favorite JG, btw. I also got Second Star, but I'm über nervous, so we should read it together. ;)
PS--I'm still waiting on that email, missy. <3
Fine...but you were forcibly trying to get me to read it. :) And I can't believe you wouldn't WANT to pick up TSoT already...sooooooooooo good. But now that I have the audio for TtWIH, I suppose we'd better make a reading date. :)
DeleteReally? Well, then I'm sure I'll like it. I loved TFiOS and I was afraid that might be his best and that none of his others would compare. And I am down for a Second Star buddy read. I want to read it soon, too.
Oh, oops. I think it's still sitting half-finished in my inbox. I'll get on that, stat. :)
All three of the books you got for review take my fancy. I've heard Sekret is really good. Your new format works for me.
ReplyDeleteI've heard Sekret was really good, too, but I'm trying to go into it without crazy high expectations just in case I'm the one person who doesn't like it. :P And thanks!
DeleteHehe, loving the new blowing kisses GIF! :D Super fun! I'm so eager to get my hands on Better Off Friends. It definitely seems like my kind of read! Second Star sounds fantastic!! Peter Pan and surfers... BRING IT! :)
ReplyDeleteMe, too. :) I think BOF would definitely be something you'd enjoy, just from the sounds of it. Have you read anything else by her? I haven't, but Summer loves her. And, yes...I am so excited to meet these surfer boys! :D
DeleteI have a copy of Sekret that I got at BEA but never got to it. I wonder if it's good. Enjoy your books!
ReplyDeleteMy STS:
I've heard that it is REALLY good from a friend whose opinion I really value, so that's why I finally requested a copy. I hope it's awesome. ;)
DeleteLOVE the GIF :) I also do a sort of general update post because, hey, some weeks I don't get books. I used to look ahead to the next week but lately I am not that organized.
ReplyDeleteThe WG, WG audio is FANTASTIC. Really, really good. I think I prefer it to the printed experience, and I can almost never say that...
Happy long weekend :) :)
Jen @ YA Romantics
Better Off Friends! *screams* *twirls* If you haven't noticed, I really want to read that one. Also, I wasn't really interested in Sekret, but you're making me want to read it more. Hope you love them all!