Friday, January 3, 2014


If you checked out my 2014 Blogging Resolutions & Goals post, you'll know that one of the things I need to work on this year is my propensity to hoard books.  So, to kick off the new year right, I'm culling a massive amount of books from my library.  Technically, these were already on their way out and were already given space on the great shelf of giveaways (pictured below), but still, they need new homes and I don't like the top of my shelf being cluttered like that.  So, they are gone, baby, gone.  (Oh, and quite a few of those have already left the building, but I didn't take a more recent picture before I packed them all up.  Oops.)

Anyway, I've now got three boxes full of mystery books to give away.  One contains the entire Hush, Hush series by Becca Fitzpatrick in hardcover.  Another is a miscellaneous box including paperbacks and hardcovers.  And the last box is chock full of ARCs -- 13 to be exact.  (I didn't do that on purpose, that's just how many happened to fit in the box.)

Which box is which?  Your guess is as good as mine.  No, seriously...I didn't label them.  D'oh!  But if you win, you get to pick which box you want:  A, B, or C.  There will be three winners because I want to see all of these books leave before I have the opportunity to open the boxes back up and decide I want to keep some of those books.  Trust me, I am weak-willed when it comes to culling my books.  It's like they're a part of me or something.  :*(

  • This giveaway is US only.  Sorry, international peeps, but it costs a lot to ship boxes this size.  I'll have a giveaway for you guys soon, though...pinky swear.
  • One entry per household.
  • Entries will be verified.  Any entry found to be falsified will result in disqualification of all entries for that participant.
  • Winner will be notified via email.  Winner will then have 48 hours to respond before another winner will be selected.  Please check your SPAM folder!!!
  • I am not responsible for lost packages.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Be sure to check out the rest of the stops on the Clear Your Shelves Giveaway Hop:

I'm so excited to make some room on my shelves, and I'm super excited for you guys to win one of the mystery boxes! =)  Anyone care to hazard a guess as to which box holds which books?  :P

Thanks for stopping by & happy reading!


  1. I really want to focus on reviewing the books that I read. I feel like I can't express what I think into the correct wording so I shy away from it. Thanks for doing this giveaway!

  2. I haven't thought of any new years resolutions. My good reads reading challenge is 100 books for this year if that counts. Thanks for the giveaway!

  3. I want to get my first job this year and read 45 books

  4. My resolution was to be healthier!

  5. cut my tbr mountain in half. (must really do it this year!!)

  6. One of my resolutions is to be more conscious about reading more diverse books - more books featuring main characters or by authors who are LGBTQ, people of color, and people with disabilities.

  7. To read 80 books this year =D

  8. I only have, well had, 2.

    1. Stop eating junk food. (That was broken on Jan.1st.
    2. Only buy 5 books. (Curious to see whether I'll actually stick to it.)

  9. Besides being healthy it is to read 100 books!

  10. Read more books than I did in 2013. I didn't read many.

  11. To finish book two in my series before Soul Bound comes out!

  12. I am planning a tropical getaway this year so weight loss is one of mine. I know it's the one everyone does but, I need to be swimsuit/short ready!
    Brittany S

  13. Getting organized and finding a little more balance! Thanks!

  14. Get caught up on my reviews and cut my TBR pile by 25%

    Thanks for the mystery box giveaway opportunity.

  15. I tend to break my resolutions, so I don't usually make them. This year I want to fit into my old jeans and I plan to organize a little bit better in many aspects of my life. With my reading and reviews, work and at home in general.

  16. To read 50 books this year. Thanks for the giveaway!

  17. Hmm...I'm guessing box b holds the arcs. Or maybe c...Oh, heck I don't know! :) Thx for doing this!

  18. I am going to think of at least one thing to be grateful for each day.

  19. My resolution is to write every single day.

  20. My resolution was to always think things through make the choices that I know are right.

  21. Being fully present. Worrying less. Smiling more. :)

    Sabrina @ I Heart Y.A. Fiction

  22. I did not do resolutions but I am putting together my Must Read list for the year!

  23. My resolution is to become more organized.

  24. I have never had a New Years resolution before. But I would have to say to read more books this year. I hope to get thru all my TBR pile. Thank you for such an amazing giveaway. Hope you have a great New Year!

  25. My goals for 2014 are to be more present in the book blogging community, writing more reviews as opposed to filler posts, and being accepted for an ARC on Netgalley by the end of the year :)

  26. I don't usually make resolutions .. but my first goal of the year is to find a job I like (or better yet, love!) :)

  27. I didn't make any resolutions per se, since I only tend to break them. I DID vow to try my best to be more organized in my scheduling of reviews, etc., on my blog, and of writing, reviewing, and blogging in general. I'm hoping I can do this.

  28. I need to finish reading all those books that I started and the ones on my TBR shelf! :)
    And I need to eat more vegetables! :)

  29. My resolution is to save more money

  30. I don't make resolutions because I never followed through.

  31. I want to be healthier this year and lose some weight! :)

    kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

  32. I ended up with some bad health in 2013 causing me to have a few surgeries, so now I plan on keeping myself in better shape and health for 2014

  33. To eat healthier and exercise more....pretty boring stuff. :)

  34. To be more patient. I'm a pretty impatient person, especially when it comes to waiting on my next fave books! Hopefully I'll find soething to remedy that this year

  35. To read the books that I bought and haven't read before buying more

  36. My New Year resolution is to lose weight.

    jmesparza821 at gmail dot com

  37. My New Years resolution was to fix healthier food for myself and my family.

  38. In 2014, I want to to volunteer more of my time at my daughter's school and our church in order to in order to give back to the community

    abfantom at yahoo dot com

  39. One of my New Year's resolution is to learn how to bake.

  40. One of my resolutions is to lose 5 pounds per month

  41. Finish writing at least two new books.

  42. I don't make New Year's Resolutions because I never stick to them. I always try to read more every year and just generally be a better person.

  43. A big resolution for me is to live a good example of a healthy lifestyle for my daughter.


  44. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!! One of my new year resolutions is to read!! I didn't give my self hardly anytime last year to read and the TBR pile has turned into a mountain range and I know that I'm missing out on a lot of good books. So I need to read or wean :)

  45. Two-in-One Book-related Resolution: read at least ten books a month and start writing again

  46. I have a post about my blogger resolutions HERE! Hope 2014 treats you well!!

  47. My resolution is to write more book reviews and actually post stuff on my (pathetic) blog.
    I've been failing at this lately...

  48. Exercise at least 3 times a week.

  49. To live healther - have a better diet and more exercise!

  50. One of my new years resolutions was to wash my face every morning. I'm trying to finally have 100% clear skin =D. Thanks for the giveaway!

  51. love not knowing what I'm getting!! My resolution is to get ORGANIZED and declutter!! Of course, books don't count for me ;) LOL!

  52. To successfully read a hundred books this year! Thank you so much for the giveaway! :)

  53. I hope to sleep more than 3 hours a day. So far I am failing.

  54. I want to survive this college semester :D

  55. KI resolve to get caught up on my reviews and never get so backlogged again!

  56. My resolution this year is to read more and write more. Thanks for the giveaway.

  57. To read the books of my TBR list.
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  58. Take better care of my self and lose weight

  59. My resolution this year was to not make any resolutions:)

  60. I plan to finish my first adult trilogy.

  61. to be better than the person I was yesterday!

  62. One of my resolutions had to do with Facebook, and not complaining about my new co-worker on there anymore.

  63. I didn't make any resolutions but I plan to exercise more, eat healthier and read, read, read.

  64. One of mine are to finish up my AA Degree.

  65. Mine is to be healthier and try to do online yoga videos :)

  66. My New Years resolution was to spend more time with my family.

  67. Try to be happier even though it's going to be another tough year. Thanks for the awesome giveaway! Happy New Year!

  68. I am the SAME way when it comes to my books. I have a really hard time giving books away cause i feel like they are part of me. You are brave to give out so many. I don't think i could do it. Usually when i giveaway books it's like one or maybe 2. Not counting books i ended up not reading all the way or never touched them( I have no hard time giving thus kind away). Thanks for being a brave soul and giveing all the beautiful books. But anyways!1 sorry...My resolution is to read more newer books that come out. I missed a lot of 2013 books cause i been so caught up on reading older books.

  69. ooooh, I love mystery boxes!! Resolution was to read a whole lot more this year than last.

  70. Not to request so many review copies and tackle me TBR!

  71. To learn how to run and be able to train for a marathon! :)

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. to read 120 books, pass my AP exams and win a contest of any sort

  74. My resolutions are to finalize the edits on my novel and to read and blog more.

  75. (This is Darith L.)

    To read 14 books! :D

  76. Two of mine are to write in my journal more often and to keep up on my crocheting. Thanks for your giveaway!
    i_love_books at aol dot com

  77. Resolution - to finish writing & posting all my reviews from 2013 - sometime before the end of January 2014!

  78. To try to lose a few pounds. We'll see how that goes.

  79. Be more patient and read more from my TBR pile instead of always reading newer stuff! Thanks for this amazing giveaway - I would love to win!

    Suz Reads

  80. One of my resolutions is to get my body ready for backpacking this summer.

  81. One of my resolutions is to read 50 new books this year.

  82. One of my resolutions is to read for at least 30 minutes every single day. Been doing well so far. I have read 30 minutes (some days even more) each day so far.

  83. To eat healthy. Thanks for this great giveaway!

  84. This year I'd like to have at least 10 giveaways a month on my blog.

  85. Simply to read more of the books on my TBR shelf

  86. One of my bookish new years resolution is to finally finish the Castor Chronicles

    Ashley @The Quiet Concert

  87. Be a better blogger and get out in the community more. :)

  88. One of my resolutions is to get more followers on my blog! :)

  89. my biggest new year resolution is to be more spontaneous and to follow through.

  90. Every year it is to try to lose weight

  91. My blogging resolution is to move to a self-hosted blog and read more books from Netgalley & Edelweiss. My "normal" resolution is to spend more time on my studies! Thanks for the giveaway! :)

  92. to read more books ;)hahaha! thanks so much for the giveaway!

    Diana @ TLG

    ps. Love your blog! newest follower!

  93. To be more productive when it comes to my future! AND. . I've been doing it.

  94. To not be so hard on myself. thank you


  95. Spend less time on laptop so I can read more.

  96. I actually made a list on one of my blogs (I have a food blog and a book blog) but I added one today - I'm going to get 2 new tattoos this year. :)

  97. To clean my ass a better. You know.. like really get up in there. lol

  98. To start working out again. Seriously working out like I was a few months ago. I had surgery and took a while to heal. I am all healed up, and time to get serious again!

  99. My biggest one was to use less internet. Not working out so far!

  100. My New Year's resolution was to be stronger, both inside and out. Thanks for the giveaway!

  101. To catch up on my ARC backlog. Eep! thanks for the giveaway.

    C.J. Listro

  102. My resolution is to read 50 books.

  103. To read more books :)
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  104. I want to rate or review every book that I read this year.
    Tara Woods

  105. To eat healthier, not as a diet just eat better and take more time out for me.

  106. To write a book. Thanks for the giveaway!

  107. quit smoking. again.

  108. The usual....lose some weight, exercise more and eat healthier.

    Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
    elizabeth @ bookattict . com

  109. lose weight, pay off college loan

  110. One of my resolutions was to try and take life a little easier and find time for myself.
    Laurie Emerson
    lauraemerson17 at yahoo dot com

  111. To eat healthier! :)
    Thank you for the awesome giveaway!

  112. To stress less and enjoy the little things in life a whole lot more.

  113. To drink more water and less soda

  114. To read at least one or more books a week .

  115. Mine is to get rid of clutter and after living here almost 20 years there is a lot of it to get rid of.

  116. My New Year Resolution is to read more books.
    Thanks for the awesome giveaway. I would pick B

  117. My resolution every year is to read 75 books. The past 2 years I've managed exactly 67, so maybe I should make that my new resolution! :)

  118. To get in better shape!
    Miz Vickik

  119. My New Year Resolution is to read more books, My goal is 85 books. Hopefully I make it this year

  120. My New Year Resolution is to read at least fifty books this year. Fingers crossed. :)

  121. This year I have resolved to read more of the older books on my TBR and not let all the enticing new releases push them further and further down the list.

  122. One resolution is to tone up the old body this year!

  123. My resolution this year is to eat healthier and walk more. Thanks for having this contest.

  124. This year I didn't have any because...I'm wayy to lazy to make them. lol :D

  125. Mine is to lose 40-50lbs by may

  126. One of mine was to read more books of course!

  127. ahhhh Darn! I just signed on with bloglovin', new at this whole thing! That was a pretty awesome thing you did by giving away your gently used books! Pretty neat idea!!!
    Love your blogs by the way ♥


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