Wednesday, December 24, 2014


Top Ten of 2014: Best Villains of 2014

Wednesday, December 24, 2014 with 5 comments

We are SUPER excited to look back on 2014 with the ladies from Reading YA RocksTwo Chicks on BooksMagical Urban Fantasy Reads, and Tales of a Ravenous Reader. They've put together a blog hop of sorts, looking back on the books we read in 2014 and looking forward to the ones we'll read in 2015. They've got some fun topics lined up, but today's is the BEST ______ OF 2014. (You can check out the full week's line-up here.) Our options for this topic were Villains, Contemporaries, Dual POV’s, Novellas, Adult titles, New Adult titles, Love Triangles, Couples, Bad Boys or Debuts. The moment we all saw villains in that list, we knew which direction Jen was headed. :P

Jen's Picks:

Disclaimer: Some of these picks may showcase the progression of a particular character that may or may not have already been obvious.

I just love a good villain, especially when they prove themselves especially redeemable. :) But they don't have to be good to be oh-so-bad. Some of these characters I'm still waiting to see where their character arc leads them, but others, I'm quite happy with where they're at now. Villains are among some of my favorite characters because when they're done right, they are oh-so-deliciously evil, and that's the way I like them. ;0)

April's Picks:

I could only come up with Five. And really the first one doesn't count, he's just dreamy. And maybe The last one is a far stretch, but it's by far the scariest villian I've come across this year. Why? Because it's real.

Did you read any of our picks? Are you participating in this look back on 2014? If so, share a link and we'll stop by to check out your picks, too!


  1. The Alchemists turned out to be a very horrible villain! I wouldn't call Aaron Warner a villain but Anderson! He was evil! The Darkling was quite evil as well!

    Best Older Books I Read in 2014

  2. I like your villains, especially Queen Levana and the alchemists. We have some in common, check out my list on:

  3. I've read just Cruel Beauty and Cress, both of which I enjoyed. :) For my own post today, I messed up with it and I posted about Best Less Known Authors/Books, but then realized they are all Adult Titles, which fills the criteria.

  4. Warner's not a villain any more! :) He was my pick for Shatter Me!


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