Sunday, December 7, 2014


Stacking The Shelves # 45

Sunday, December 7, 2014 with 4 comments
Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews and is a way to share with everyone all the goodies you've received through out the week. 

Just click the covers to be taken to their goodreads pages. 


Red Risinghopelessfinding Cinderellashadow and bone

This week I bought some Audiobooks! I grabbed Red Rising because I really wanted to listen to it before I started reading the sequel. I don't have time to re read it, but listening I can do. Funny, I started it and that day I was approved for Golden Son, so now I'm Listening to book one while I read book two. lol. The others I grabbed because well, they are on sale! I've already read Hopeless but it's a fave of mine. Finding Cinderella I haven't gotten a chance to read yet, even though I own the kindle edition, but now I'll likely get to is sooner. Shadow and Bone, I've heard so many good things about, so I figured while the audio is on sale, I would snatch it up. :) 

For Review

golden sonheat of the momentCrimson BoundemancipatedThings we Know by heart

(Thank you Random House and Harper)

OMG OMG OMG, I cannot tell you how excited I was to get Golden Son. Seriously, Red Rising has haunted me for a year. I loved that book so much and I'm falling even more in love with it during my re read/listen. So Golden Son... *happy sigh* It's in my hands at last. I haven't had much time for reading this week, but that's okay, I don't want to rush through it. I want to savor every second. 

Heat of the Moment and Crimson Bound I've been wanting too. Emancipated I hadn't heard of, but I want to give it a try. I kinda moved out my senior year, and ran a muck with my friends.. So I might relate a bit. And Things We Know By Heart. Wow, that book sounds awesome, and I cannot wait to dig in. :) 

In un-book related knews, we got our Christmas Tree last weekend. It's officially the holiday season in my house. These lights actually have the option to be colored, but we were feeling the white that day. :) 

Have a great week. 


  1. Great haul! I haven't read Red Rising yet but hopefully it'll be soon.

  2. Ooh Christmas Tree!!!!!!! Shadow and Bone is really good :) I'm excited to read Emancipated and Heat of The Moment too. Nice haul, happy reading!!

    Rachel @ A Perfection Called Books

  3. I have heard great things about Red Rising. I will have to check it out. Thanks for sharing and enjoy your new books :)

  4. I really need to read Red Rising, I've heard so many good things about it. Great haul this week!
    Check out my STS


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