Friday, December 12, 2014


Christmas is coming up quick, so we are in a rush to get our gifting crafts done. This one however
kinda just worked it's way into our plans. Last year we made tee light snowmen. They turned out really cute. here is where I got that idea ---> Pinterest. I changed ours up a little, but he came out pretty similar. While in the shower the other day.. (because the best thinking happens in the shower)... I came up with the idea on how to make one look like Olaf. We have a ton of extra tee lights laying around and they kinda look like Olafs nose.. So here is how we made them.

First, you will need these supplies. 

1. White foam sheet  (Here it's shown already cut into the Olaf shape)
2. Eye Balls 
3. Tee Light 
4. Black Marker
5. Hole Puncher
6. Ribbon or Yard for hanging

The first thing I did was cut the foam into Olafs Shape. I started with the head, but technically you could draw the full body shape so you don't have to glue those pieces together. I was kind of crafting on a whim here. 

After I cut the head, I measured about where I think the nose should go, and then I hole punched it. The hole punch was perfect because it fits perfectly around the flame of the tee light. I still glued it to make it secure. 

I colored in the face with black marker and I glued the eyeballs in the appropriate spots. Then I glued the had to the body. I used brown pipe cleaners for the stick arms and hair. I found they worked perfect because you can bend them however you want. 

When he was all finished I glued some ribbon around the tee light and hung him on the tree. Presto.. Easy Peasy! 

1 comment:

  1. this is so cute! I'm doing a lot of DIY gifts for this holiday season actually. If I had more time I'd hand make every gift.. Lol. Pinterest is just the best. Looks like you had a lot of fun with this one! ^_^ Thanks for sharing!
    -Dee @ Dee's Reads


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