Monday, December 22, 2014


We are SUPER excited to look back on 2014 with the ladies from Reading YA Rocks, Two Chicks on Books, Magical Urban Fantasy Reads, and Tales of a Ravenous Reader. They've put together a blog hop of sorts, looking back on the books we read in 2014 and looking forward to the ones we'll read in 2015. They've got some fun topics lined up, but today's is the BEST BOOKS I'VE READ IN 2014. (You can check out the full week's line-up here.) Since we focused on new releases on last week's Top Ten Tuesday, we thought we'd go with the top ten best contemporary novels we read in 2014 for this exercise. =)

Jen's Picks:

Luckily, I read way more sci-fi and fantasy than I do contemporary, so I had a pretty easy time deciding on my favorites of 2014. I am slowly reading more and more contemporary, though, and even venturing into some authors' backlists to find new favorites. I've already read one 2015 contemporary title and it was amazing, so I have a feeling doing this list at the end of next year might be a bit more difficult. =)

April's Picks:

I've read a ton of great contemporaries this year. I would have to say that Morgan Matson takes the cake though, because I really wanted to add Amy and Roger's Epic Detour as well, but we will just consider it an honorable mention. :)

Most of these books made my cry... I should mention that as well. lol.

Did you read any of our picks? Are you participating in this look back on 2014? If so, share a link and we'll stop by to check out your picks, too!


  1. I'm so glad you enjoyed A Little Something Different. I really liked it too because it was such a light and cute contemporary romance book. TFIOS was an okay book to me. This 2015 I really want to read a Colleen Hoover book because I heard she's an amazing contemporary writer.

  2. Definitely loving all your great picks!! I still need to read the Jandy Nelson books but I can't wait :D

    Eileen @ BookCatPin

  3. On The Fence and Rites of Passage are both on my list, too! They're definitely amazing reads. Every Breath sounds great, too, especially since I've never read a Sherlock retelling.

    Have either of you read Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover? I enjoyed Ugly Love, but I thought Maybe Someday was even better :)

  4. I loved Second Chance Summer, The Sky Is Everywhere, On The Fence, Isla, and Boomerang. I still need to read many of things like Since You've Been Gone, I'll Give You The Sun, Open Road Summer, The Art of Lainey, Ugly Love, and A Little Something Different.

    Best Books I’ve Read in 2014

  5. Love your picks! Thanks so much for taking part in the Top 10 of 2014! Looking forward to seeing the rest of your Top 10’s :D
    Jaime @ Two Chicks On Books

  6. Great picks. I'm only just starting to enjoy contemporaries and I have a feeling I will read SO many in 2015. I need to read Morgan Madsen, Colleen Hoover, Jandy Nelson and MORE.

  7. Jen, I love your picks! A little something different and Boomerang are all books I also want to read at some point. Rites of Passage is also on my TBR. And April, I do want to try Ugly Love and the Sky is Everywhere. Sadly, I really haven't liked any of Sarah Dessen's books and I only found TFiOS to be an alright read.


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