Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Top Ten Tuesday: Sequels We Need YESTERDAY

Tuesday, November 18, 2014 with 6 comments

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the awesome ladies at The Broke and the Bookish. Apparently, they are overly fond of list-making and love to share their bookish lists with the rest of us book nerds.  =) We're game.

This week's topic is the Top Ten Sequels I Can't Wait To Get.

April's Picks:

I'm so behind on series books, that I don't have too many that I'm dying to get to. These three though, I cannot freaking wait for. Most of all, Golden Son. When that comes out, I will be starting it asap.

These last seven are sequels that I STILL HAVEN'T gotten to. FOR SHAME!!!! Maybe I need to move them up my list. Being in the reading slump I am, reading a sequel to a book I loved might be just the thing I need. :)

Jen's Picks:

I already have a few of these sitting on my shelf, just waiting for me to make time for them...

And then I couldn't help but include a few threequels I'm eagerly anticipating...

There are plenty more sequels and threequels and later installments I'm looking forward to, but I tried to only include those that already had a cover. :)

Which sequels are you dying to get your hands on? :)  Be sure to share a link to your TTT post so we can visit!


  1. The Outside! I highly enjoyed that one, but I don't see it being mentioned that often on blogs or YouTube. It kind of makes me sad, since they are truly great. I loved World After too! Lair of Dreams is on my list too since i really enjoyed The Diviners -and the sequel is taking a while. Okay, I should really read The Winner's Curse and Splintered. It's on so many liists, so that must mean that a lot of people like them.

    Great list

  2. OH MY GOSH I FORGOT GOLDEN SON. HOW COULD I FORGET GOLDEN SON??? *slaps self* I'm ridiculously excited for that book, but obviously not enough, hehe. I have Ensnared on my list too! And honourable mentions to The Winner's Crime and World After and In A Handful of Dust.
    Here's my TTT!

  3. wow, this is a great list you have there, many series i can wait to get :)

  4. Whoa! Yes! I didn't love Red Rising, but I'm definitely looking forward to Goldon Son.

  5. So excited for The Mime Order! I hope you'll enjoy reading these, ladies.

  6. April - you need to read World After! And Froi! I love those books so much. <3
    Jen - I need to catch up on The Bone Season, The Falconer, Of Dreams and Metal, and Scarlet, but all those sequels sound fantastic.

    Happy reading, girls!


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