Thursday, July 7, 2011


Review: Misfit by Jon Skovron

Thursday, July 7, 2011 with 1 comment
MisfitTitle:  Misfit
Author:  Jon Skovron
Series:  n/a
Publisher:  Amulet
Publication Date:  August 1, 2011
Links:  Amazon | Goodreads
Rating:  Photobucket

From Goodreads:

Jael Thompson has never really fit in. She’s changed schools too many times to count. The only family she’s ever known is her father, a bitter ex-priest who never lets her date and insists she attend the strictest Catholic school in Seattle. And her mother—well, she was a five thousand year old demon. That doesn’t exactly help.

But on her sixteenth birthday, her father gives her a present that brings about some unexpected changes. Some of the changes, like strange and wonderful powers and the cute skater boy with a knack for science, are awesome. But others, like the homicidal demon seeking revenge on her family? Not so much.

Steeped in mythology, this is an epic tale of a heroine who balances old world with new, science with magic, and the terrifying depths of the underworld with the ordinary halls of high school.

I wasn't sure what to expect from this book going into it.  I'd read the synopsis and was vaguely aware that it was about a teenage girl, demons, and supernatural powers.  Sounded like my kinda read.
But the writing just blew me away!  The story is written on a level that young and old alike can enjoy.  The author exceptionally weaves philosophy and mythology into the back story of his heroine and her not-so-priestly father, and even though you start off feeling sorry for Jael's situation and resolve to dislike her dad, you find yourself rooting for Jael and empathizing with her father as they battle demons hell-bent on revenge.
While scuffling with demons and learning about her new-found powers, Jael still has time to develop feelings for her friend Rob.  This love-interest is the kind of guy I was drawn to when I was in high school.  He wasn't perfect and he didn't have it all figured out, but best of all, Jael didn't make what was going on between them a priority over the things that should have taken precedence in her life, namely keeping herself alive.  It was quite refreshing to read a romantic lead who wasn't the end-all for the main character.
Jon Skovron has created an intriguing world within a world, full of darkness and danger but not without it's tender moments.  The story is gutsy and heart-breaking and forces the reader to analyze their own beliefs and actions when faced with difficult decisions.  MISFIT was a fantastic read, and I highly recommend you pick it up when it comes out next month.
I received a copy of this book for review from Netgalley.
Next up for review:  Original Sin (Personal Demons, #2)

1 comment:

  1. Love the sound of this one! Adding to my TBR right now :D Thank you!


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