Friday, July 8, 2011


Friday Five #4

Friday, July 8, 2011 with 3 comments
Oy!  I've been a little bit absent from the interwebz lately because the universe decided to throw a couple of curveballs my way.  My husband's truck was stolen last Tuesday night while we slept, and if that's not enough to cope with, the alternator on our surviving car, the one I drive to and fro everyday, decided to crap out on me yesterday on my way in to work.

Needless to say, I haven't been much in the mood to read or review or blog, but I'm rectifying that now.  No more wallowing; now it's time to indulge myself with a good book.  What better way to escape from the harsh realities of my real life than by reading about the fictional lives of my favorite characters, am I right?

I'll be finishing up Original Sin (Personal Demons, #2) today, then I'm left to choose between one of the following before my doodled-in copy of Forever (The Wolves of Mercy Falls, #3) arrives next week!  EEEKKK!!!  You know I'll drop whatever I'm doing to start on that gem as soon as it's in my hands!

1.  Blood Magic (Blood Journals, #1)  by Tessa Gratton
2.  Blood Red Road (Dustlands, #1)  by Moira Young
3.  Invincible Summer by Hannah Moskowitz
4.  Anna Dressed in Blood (Anna Dressed in Blood, #1) by Kendare Blake

So, who wants to help me choose which book to pick up next?


  1. Aw love, so sorry about the vehicle trouble! Happy you and the family are safe though. I would like to cast a vote for Hanna Moskowitz's Invincible Summer. I have that and Break on my TBR and I hear wonderful things about her. Would love to know what you think. Hang in there my friend - it can only get better, right? :D

  2. That is so awesome that you picked that for me. I keep putting it off, but I've had it for awhile. And I haven't read any HM yet, but I'm gonna be part of the "Gone, Gone, Gone" and "Zombie Tag" ARC tours later this year, so I should probably get on that. Thanks for making my decision for's so hard for me to choose!! I want to read them all, all at the same time. And I never want them to end! :) And thanks for the well wishes!

  3. I'm sorry to hear about the stolen truck. I've had my vehicle stolen in the middle of the night and I remember that it is not fun at all.

    I'd probably go with Anna Dressed In Blood. Been dying to read that one myself.


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