Friday, July 1, 2011


Friday Five #3

Friday, July 1, 2011 with No comments
In which I list the five books I *plan* to read next, major emphasis on the word plan because I'm an impulsive/compulsive book buyer, and what I intend to read also changes with my mood.  =D  Whenever I finish a book, I always feel kind of lost, so I think keeping a list like this will help me stay on track and actually remember what I really wanted to read next.  Hopefully...
Okay, so I'm half-way through Misfit (and loving it, by the way) but after that, these are my next five reads....unless of course I buy another book or discover that a book I've been dying for is releasing on Tuesday and I forgot about it...or any other number of circumstances that could cause me to move a book up in my TBR pile. ;)

In no particular order...

1.  Blood Magic (Blood Journals, #1)  by Tessa Gratton
2.  Blood Red Road (Dustlands, #1)  by Moira Young
3.  Invincible Summer by Hannah Moskowitz
4.  Original Sin (Personal Demons, #2) by Lisa Desrochers
5.  Anna Dressed in Blood (Anna Dressed in Blood, #1) by Kendare Blake

What do you plan to read this week???


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