Friday, July 22, 2011



Friday, July 22, 2011 with 6 comments

TGIF is hosted by Ginger at GReads!  In this weekly feature, Ginger poses a question to her followers and then asks everyone to link up at the end of the post, sharing their responses.

This Friday's Question:

Bookshelf Tour: Where do you keep your books at home?  Are they organized?

So, this is my first TGIF post but when I saw what the topic was this week, I just couldn't resist. I've been reworking my bookshelf a lot lately, making room for the never-ending influx of books, organizing by favorites only to realize I have too many favorites for one bookshelf and then deciding to alphabetize them all instead.  I started out with one narrow ladder bookcase when my husband and I were still dating, but that's since been rendered useless and has been relegated to my daughter's room, where, inevitably, it will be deemed too small, as well.  (We're hard on bookshelves, but I couldn't be happier that my little one has latched on to my devotion to reading, as well.)

Okay, so a few weeks ago, my husband commented that my shelves were looking a little shabby due to all of the overflow.  I have to agree:


Since we installed the shelves ourselves, it's easy to add another one and a relatively cheap solution, too.  I also bought some cheap metal bookends to hold me over until I find the perfect ones.  I have my eye on some, but they are most certainly not least, not when I take into account my reading habit. 

Below is what my shelf looks like now -- extra shelf, alphabetized, book-ended and all:


Alas, that's not near all of them, but these are what are currently on display.  Maybe I'll have room for them all when we get a house this fall.  My husband enjoys carpentry work, so I'm envisioning one of these ideas for the new house:

...if I decide to go for a more contemporary look

*photo courtesy of Atlanta Booklover's Blog

or if I just want something different - I saw one similar to this on a Home Depot commercial and was instantly jealous...

*photo courtesy of Incredible Things

Hey, a girl can dream, right?


  1. Very nice!! And I think the white, built-in shelves is what I may want when we get our own house someday.

  2. Yes, I think those white shelves and cupboards look nice. Dream into reality? I have a master plan that includes a bookshelf dream but first I must replace my carpet, or so my family tells me!

  3. Book ends are something I totally want but would hate to spend the money on. One day I will throw myself a party for no reason and ask for those as a present. I love your bookshelf though but the pictures of your dream bookshelves are totally freaking awesome! I can't decide which one I like more! I can't wait for when I have my own house one day and I can put lovely bookshelves in every room :)

  4. The dream bookshelves are amazing! Especially the one in the Home Depot commercial.
    My books are scattered throughout my house, they've overflowed so much! It's kinda sad. But your revamped bookshelf looks great :]

  5. Thanks for visiting my blog. I went camping over the week-end so I am just getting back to respond to participants of the Friday blog hops. I am also hosting a first-ever blogoversary give-a-way. Please visit my blog and participate. Thanks!


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