Wednesday, July 8, 2015


Big shout-out to Andi at Andi's ABCs and Brittany at The Book Addict's Guide for putting together such an awesome feature and helping the rest of us realize our dream of book hoarding collecting, lol.

Despite the latest drama on the #booksfortrade on Twitter, which I've steadfastly avoided for the most part since I promised myself I wouldn't peruse the feed for awhile, I do still have a ton of books I'd like to find better homes for. I never made it to Half Price Books last month after my, ahem, last call -- and let's be honest, I won't get much for my stuff, anyway -- so what I have left from previous trades is still available, plus I've added several more books to the list. And using #booksfortrade did help me acquire some of the copies I most coveted for my collection. So, I'm not giving up on it yet. :) I myself have never had an issue with a trade, and I remain hopeful.

But let's get one thing straight first. I'm only trading books, not selling them. I can't count how many emails I got the first time around asking if I'd sell any of my books and then listing twenty or so they wanted to buy. If you want to purchase books, go to a used bookshop. I don't care if you offer to pay's still not worth my time.

That said, you'll find pictures of what I have up for grabs below. I've also compiled them into this handy-dandy spreadsheet to help me keep track of them all. I've also created separate wishlists on Goodreads for ARCs I covet and finished copies I'd like to add to my shelves. I update them pretty often, too, usually adding more than I mark off, unfortunately. o_O Still, here are some of the books I am ardently searching for right now to complete my collections, and I'm hoping some of you can help me out with that:

ARC of Vicious by V.E. Schwab
ARC of The Near Witch by Victoria Schwab
ARC of Linger by Maggie Stiefvater
ARC of Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas
ARC of Dark Triumph by Robin LaFevers
ARC of Uprooted by Naomi Novik
ARC of Angelfall by Susan Ee
ARC of Reborn by Jennifer Rush
ARCs and finished copies of The Lotus Wars series by Jay Kristoff

I really, really do plan to take any leftovers to HPB eventually, but I'd much rather share them with other book lovers, if possible. So, please take a look at the pictures above and the Google doc I linked to and see if I have anything you might want for your own shelves before they're gone for good. And please check out the wishlists I posted above and see if maybe you have something on your shelf that you wouldn't mind trading to me. I'd be willing to ship multiple books for anything on my ARC wishlist, if that helps any. =) Especially for those coveted Sarah J. Maas, Victoria Schwab, and Dark Triumph ARCs.

I'll continue using the #booksfortrade feed as well, but I thought I'd spread the word a bit more here on the blog, too. If you want to make a trade, comment below, email me at mrsjbruce at gmail dot com, or hit me up on Twitter at @starryeyedjen.

For the tl;dr crowd, these are the books I have for trade and this is my ARC wishlist and this is my FC wishlist. =) I reserve the right to refuse any trade. I might also be willing to trade multiple items for the right trade. :D

Thanks for taking a look and potentially helping a book hoarder achieve her dreams of allthebooks!


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