Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Top Ten Tuesday: Book Nerd Problems

Tuesday, February 17, 2015 with 10 comments

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the awesome ladies at The Broke and the Bookish. Apparently, they are overly fond of list-making and love to share their bookish lists with the rest of us book nerds.  =) We're game.

This week's topic is the Ten Book Related Problems I Have:

April's Picks:

I could only come up with 5 because really, when it comes to books I don't have many problems. Other than having too many of them to ever read in my lifetime. lol. :)

Jen's Picks:

I got 99 problems but having something to read ain't one...

I could seriously whine about all the books I'll never get to read for days. But I won't because I know many of you suffer from the same problem. ;0)

What bookish problems do you guys have? Be sure to share a link to your TTT post so we can visit!


  1. Not having enough time to read has always been a problem for me. Also, having all my books on my nook is really nice. I tend to go in spurts and will read physical books for a while, then switch to ebooks for a while. Great list!

  2. I will always continue to buy books even though I don't have the time or the bookshelf space for all of them. I do prefer physical books over eBooks. Great lists!

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minions

    My TTT

  3. I wish I could have every version of the books I love but I think I've pretty much accepted the fact that I can't :( And I totally wish I had more time! Time just for reading!

  4. Great list! I definitely agree with the point on starting too many series and never being able to finish them. I don't think I've actually finished that many series. I recently purchased a Kindle online and I've a feeling that it's all I'm going to want to read on anymore.
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  5. These are great; I agree with most of them. And it's so annoying when there is a Kindle sale on a book you've already bought.

  6. There will NEVER be enough time for reading! I think that's a common complaint with book lovers.

  7. there is never enough time or space for all the books we want and have... and yet we will always continue to get more. Its a sickness..

  8. 1. Yes
    2. Generally
    3. I neglect my physical books for my Kindle ones
    4. I don't blame you at all. Haha. :)

    It's good that you don't have many book problems.

    I completely agree about the Kindle, Jen! That would be awful. And I also request an insane amount of books despite knowing I already have more than enough that I need to read/review. We definitely all need more hours in the day to read.

    1. Yes
    2. Generally
    3. I neglect my physical books for my Kindle ones
    4. I don't blame you at all. Haha. :)

    It's good that you don't have many book problems.

    I completely agree about the Kindle, Jen! That would be awful. And I also request an insane amount of books despite knowing I already have more than enough that I need to read/review. We definitely all need more hours in the day to read.

    My Bookish Problems and I

  9. So many of these problems we share! I love my kindle, I do, but I prefer paperback even though I read them slower xD Can't beat a physical book, and all my favourites I read on kindle I end up buying in paper as well :P Oh, oh, and I buy far too many books for someone who doesn't really need anymore and has a huge physical TBR >.>

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