Wednesday, October 3, 2012


"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

This week's WoW selection is...

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Title:  Sapphire Blue
Author:  Kerstin Gier
Series:  2nd book in the Edelstein Trilogie
Publisher:  Henry Holt and Co. (BYR)
Publication Date:  October 30, 2012

Gwen’s life has been a rollercoaster since she discovered she was the Ruby, the final member of the secret time-traveling Circle of Twelve. In between searching through history for the other time-travelers and asking for a bit of their blood (gross!), she’s been trying to figure out what all the mysteries and prophecies surrounding the Circle really mean.

At least Gwen has plenty of help. Her best friend Lesley follows every lead diligently on the Internet. James the ghost teaches Gwen how to fit in at an eighteenth century party. And Xemerius, the gargoyle demon who has been following Gwen since he caught her kissing Gideon in a church, offers advice on everything. Oh, yes. And of course there is Gideon, the Diamond. One minute he’s very warm indeed; the next he’s freezing cold. Gwen’s not sure what’s going on there, but she’s pretty much destined to find out.

Why I'm waiting:  Oh my goodness, you guys, I actually almost forgot about this one, even though I hounded the woman in Macmillan's booth at ALA mid-winter for a release date.  Oops.  But I love [most] time travel books, and Ruby Red far surpassed all of the ones I've read recently (think Tempest and Hourglass).  With this series, you actually get to do some freaking time travelling!  I know!  :D

I do wish they hadn't changed the covers, though, or had at least incorporated the German/Dutch covers instead of going with the standard girl-in-a-pretty-dress.  (Though, the dress might actually fit into the story in this one since Gwen and Gideon do actually travel back in time and have to dress the part.)  But the German/Dutch covers remind me of the one for Sarah Rees Brennan's Unspoken, which uses cut paper art and looks so mysterious and shadowy.  Oh, well...I'm not supposed to judge a book by its cover and all that.  :(

Super excited that I don't have that much longer to wait!!!  :D 


  1. Nice pick. I'm big sure this is a book for me. Maybe at some point..,

    Thana for sharing, Jen!

  2. I agree about the cover I think the other was nicer. I still need to read the first book but have plans to eventually.

    My WoW

  3. I haven't heard of this series before but I love time travel when it's well done! And gargoyle demons and kissing in churches? I'm in ^^ Thanks for pointing it out!

    My WoW

  4. Ooooh this looks really good. I will have to pick up the first one.

    Christina @ Ensconced in YA
    My WoW

  5. Great pick! I have this on the waiting list at the library, it sounds awesome :) I haven't seen what the cover looked like before though, will have to do a search!

  6. I've heard some great things about these books and the covers are BEE-YOO-TI-FUL! So glad you like them! I'll have to buy Ruby Red. Hope you love this book!
    Stop by MY WOW?
    <3 Inky@ Book Haven Extraordinaire

  7. Hmmm... this is a new series to me. Though I have no idea what the other cover looks like, I actually kind of like this one. Yes, I totally understand the whole girl-in-a-dress cover being overplayed... so I think I'll have to do some research and see this other cover for myself. :)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Great pick! :D I'm SO excited for this one, I need it to come out already! lol Ruby Red is one of my all time favorites. <3

    Shauna @ the sisterstale
    My WoW


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