Monday, October 15, 2012


This week's read along is for chapters seventeen through twenty-five and spans pages 232-340 of Sweet Evil.  And to coincide with the events of the book (teehee), this week's theme is truth or dareI'll be honest, I'd rather not add any ammunition to any future truth or dare matches, so I usually opt for truth.  It's not that I'm not daring...I can let loose when I want to, but for the intent of this read along, it would probably be most beneficial for me to stick to what I do best, and that's telling it like it is.  =)

TRUTH.  So, here goes:

Truth #1:  Although I hadn't read Sweet Evil prior to this read along, I did finish the entire book before the first week's scheduled reading.  I had planned to read just the scheduled chapters, write up my read along post, and then wait in agony until time to do the next week's post.  But, c'mon!?!  After meeting Kaidan, can you really blame me?  I mean, I felt kind of bad, especially when Mindy, the read along host, would post things like, "I couldn't imagine it being my first time reading Sweet Evil. Having to wait each week for the chapters."  Needless to say, I felt a little guilty.  But not that guilty.  I am so weak...I couldn't help myself.  And I so cannot believe I'm admitting this to you guys.  :-P

Truth #2:  I have a special credit card for only bookish purposes.  My husband may or may not know that such a credit card exists.  ;0)  I use it for all of my giveaways, shipping, but most importantly, all of those books I buy that I don't have time to read.  I'm amassing a library, people.  Do you think your local librarian has read every book in the library?  Hmmm?  Thought so.

Truth #3:  I buy physical copies of books that I loved in galley or ARC form with the intent of re-reading them.  But I never do.  I just don't have the time.  Again, I'm starting my own library, so it's okay.  (My husband is on board with that whole dark library with a rolling ladder thing.  Promise.)  Plus, I kid myself that they're for posterity's sake.  Like I'd let my rugrat put her hands on them.  Pshaw.  Not any time soon, anyway.

Truth #4:  I've only lived in my house for a year, but in that time, I've replaced or added to my bookshelves three times, and I've completely reorganized all of my books -- alphabetically, as read/not-read, or otherwise -- at least five times.

Truth #5:  I almost always purchase my books online.  I don't like the judgey looks from the clerk at the register or from other patrons when they see that I primarily purchase YA titles.  Once in a blue moon, I'll come across a like-minded individual, but ever since my local Borders closed, there's much less chance of that happening.  So, I keep my bookish purchases under wraps for the most part.

My thoughts on this week's read along:

Um, so I got my wish.  Sorta.  More kissing ensued but then a big ole sad face.  :C  It was great meeting Kaidan's so-called "friends" and seeing how they interacted with Anna.  I liked each of them in their own way, but I'm worried about this Kope fellow.  He seems legit, but no son of a demon can be all good, can he?  At any rate, the training with Anna's father seems to be going well.  *wink, wink*  And I'm glad to see that Anna's making other new friends.  Seems she's really going to need them with everything she's going through.  That Kaidan can be a real pain in the arse, can't he?  I kind of do miss those road trip moments, though...sigh.

Favorite quotes:

"Now would be the time to stop me, luv.  You're about to be undressed, and trust me when I say it will be too late after that." -- p. 237

"Wow, you make me look like a bad girl; that's hard to do."  -- p. 294

"Oh, that's right, I nearly forgot," Kaidan said with smooth indifference.  "The prince and princess would never stoop so low.  Well, bottoms up to us peasants."  -- p. 296

"This little thing"--he made a triangle in the air, pointing between Kopano, Kaidan, and me--"isn't gonna fly.  Don't worry yourselves about Anna anymore.  You hear?"  They both gave single nods.  "Then get on out of here.  And keep your heads in the game."  -- p. 316

Now is normally the point at which I say something along the lines of, "I can't wait for next week's chapters," but you guys already know that's a farce.  So, just know that I can't wait for next week's discussion.  It's about Halloween!  =D


  1. Ahh, I wish I had time to participate in this! Alas, I am swamped with other bookish things. It's fun reading what everyone else thinks though! I absolutely adore Kai; he's amazing. And I agree, I'm not so sure about this Kope bloke. Well, after meeting Kaidan, I probably won't be "so sure" about any other guy.

    I'm desperately waiting for the second book (which is a long way away *sobs*). I need more Kaidan and Anna in my life. I'm so excited to see what happens next.

    Happy reading!

  2. Eeee! I love those quotes. Reminds me of why I fell in love with Kai.

    A super secret credit card for books? I like the way you think.

  3. I totally know what you mean about not waiting. Your book buying is not at all abnormal...well in my eyes. I'm exactly the same way. I normally get rid of my ARCs after I've read them and buy the finished copy. Or if I was never able to read them before publishing, I give my ARC away and buy the finished copy. Fortunately my hubby doesn't pay attention to our finances. LOL But he is very much aware that I keep purchasing another tower bookshelf that quickly fills up. OH! But I don't organize my books in alphabetical order. I group them with my most favorite or signed or paperback by hardcover & ARC.

  4. I group my books by author. This is such a fan read-a-long! My post will go up on Friday. :)

  5. I finished the book right after my first post. I read the chapters the night before, did the post, then read the next weeks chapters and did the post, and then just couldn't stop. I've actually been meaning to get a credit card just for book purchases. But first I want to pay off the ones I have lol I have so many books I haven't read yet. I keep trying to read what I actually own but it never works.

  6. Yeah, I couldn't wait to finish up the book after the second week. Finished it the next day! haha Oh well!

  7. I read this last year - I haven't decided if I'll read the next book - but probably not.
    Pabkins @ My Shelf Confessions


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