Wednesday, October 24, 2012


"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

This week's WoW selection is...

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Title:  Dance of the Red Death
Author:  Bethany Griffin
Series:  Masque of the Red Death, book #2
Publisher:  Greenwillow Books
Publication Date:  April 23, 2013

The sequel to Masque of the Red Death, which Melissa Marr called, “Haunting and beautiful.”

Araby Worth is poised either to save her city, or to abandon it. In a novel that embodies dark, sexy, tragic, and fearless, Bethany Griffin concludes her incredible, atmospheric reimagining of Edgar Allan Poe’s classic short story.

Araby Worth’s city is on fire. Her brother is dead. Her best friend could be soon. Her mother is a prisoner, her father is in hiding. And the two boys who stole her heart have both betrayed her. But Araby has found herself, and she is going to fight back.

Inspired by one of Edgar Allan Poe’s most compelling stories, “The Masque of the Red Death,” Bethany Griffin has spun two sultry and intricate novels about a young woman who finds herself on the brink of despair but refuses to give in. Decadent masquerades, steamy stolen moments, and sweeping action are set in a city crumbling from neglect and tragedy. A city that seeps into your skin. Dance of the Red Death is the riveting conclusion to the dark and fascinating saga of an unforgettable heroine.

Why I'm waiting:  I wanted this book the second I finished Masque of the Red Death.  That book was captivating and so full of surprises, and book two is poised to be even more so.  And did I read that right?  There are only two books in this series?  That's kind of author who knows her story could be told in two books rather than stretching it out to make three.  I mean, I would probably [gladly] read a third book in this series, but I'll settle for what I can get.  =)

Not sure how I feel about the cover.  So, if the red on the cover of Masque symbolized warning and death, does this purple really symbolize royalty and in Araby's rise to the front ranks of the rebellion, maybe?  I can get on board with that, I suppose.  As long as Elliott is there by her side.  I don't trust him, but I'm pulling for him, anyway.  :P


  1. I still haven't read the first one! But at least this way when I do I don't have a long wait for the sequel. I love the covers!
    My WOW

  2. Loved the first book! And I agree -- though the cover is very cool, I kind of wish they'd kept the color red!

  3. Oh ... sigh.. one day I will finally start this series. hopefully for my next seasonal challenge. I love this cover better than the first. The purple is so pretty. My WOW

  4. I still haven't read Masque yet. I do really like this cover, though I think I like the first one more. Since I haven't read them yet, I really have no concept of what the covers symbolize. I'm with you on the whole two-book series thing! I hope to read the first one in the near future.

  5. I have not read the first book either, but only because I have too many books to read and haven't gotten around to it yet:) Want to read both now!

    You can visit my WOW post here.

  6. Haha, we chose the same WoW this week ^^ I agree, as soon as I finished MotRD a few weeks ago I was already pining for the sequel! The cover is gorgeous. However, I read the violet color more in the sense of melancholy, loss, or secrecy. Which is worrying, but well... we already know that Bethany Griffin likes to torment her characters ;) I'm more of a Will girl myself though. Elliot was too much of a user for my taste ^^''

    My WoW

  7. I love this cover it is really pretty. I didn't realize this was going to be a two book series, that is rare these days with Authors generally opting to stretch to 3 or more. Great pick!

    My WoW

  8. I've seen this book around a lot today, thanks for sharing!
    My WOW

  9. I still haven't read Masque of the Red Death, but I really need to read it soon! Great pick!
    Em @ A Beautiful Madness
    My WOW

  10. Totally agree, red should remain in the backdrop. Need to read the first one anyways. Thanks for sharing :)

  11. I like the cover, but red would've been so much better. I liked the story, but man, I sure needed some antidepressants afterwards. And Elliot?? I hated him. Go Will! ;-)

  12. I haven't read the first one yet, and I agree about maybe keeping the red instead of a different color. Great pick!

    My WoW


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