Saturday, October 20, 2012


In My Mailbox #53

Saturday, October 20, 2012 with 6 comments

In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren.  It's a weekly meme where we all get to brag about the books and swag we got in the mail, for review, won in contests, etc.

Busy, busy week for me, so I'm going to get right down to business.  First up, here's my haul:

For Review:

Gravity by Melissa West - So, I love sci-fi but I especially like it when it involves aliens.  You can thank my dad for that one.  I'm only about 30 pages in, but I'm already very intrigued by what's going on.  Be sure to check back in a bit, as I'll have my guest post from the author up as part of the Gravity Blog Tour.

Level 2 by Lenore Appelhans - I am in love with this cover.  And I always seem to enjoy stories about the afterlife.  I guess because no one really knows what happens after this life, so we can make up whatever we want.

Uses for Boys by Erica Lorraine Scheidt - Another awesome cover.  A year ago, I wouldn't have given this book a second glance.  Now?  I'm all over YA contemporary novels.  Something just clicked, I guess.  (My knee-jerk reaction when I first saw this book was, "I could think of a few uses for boys." :P)

Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes/Michelle Rowen - First, a big ole THANK YOU to the sweet Damaris & Amanda over at Good Choice Reading for sending me their ARC.  I've been dying to get my hands on this book.  I love fantasy and this story sounds all kinds of awesome.

I'm deeming this the week of awesome covers.  I can't wait to dive into these books!!!

The Week in Review:

Current Giveaways:  Enter to win a copy of Daughter of Smoke & Bone or a pre-order of Days of Blood & Starlight by Laini Taylor in the Fall into Fantasy Giveaway Hop, which ends tomorrow at midnight.  Also, you can win a signed hardcover of Ingrid Paulson's debut by visiting my stop on the Valkyrie Rising blog tour.  And last, but not least, you can win BOTH Anna books by Kendare Blake in my Something Wicked Comes giveaway.

Recent Winners:  Shauna Buck won a copy of Entwined in the Happily Ever After Giveaway Hop!

Also, I'm participating in the Sweet Evil Read Along all month long!  This week's post centered around a game of Truth or Dare played in the book.  See what truths I was willing to divulge in my Week 3 post.  :D

The Week Ahead:

In this week's Sunday Symposium feature, we'll be discussing multiple viewpoints in our favorite books.

The Gravity Blog Tour stops by later today, and I'll have my review up for you later this week.

I'll also be reviewing Rebel Heart and a couple of recent listens this week.

Also, I hope you'll stop by and enter a couple of new giveaways starting this week:  the Spooktacular Giveaway Hop and the YA Mythology Giveaway Hop.


  1. WOW ^_^ great books Jen! I got Level 2 last week and Uses for boys [i agree this contemporary sounds great] & hehe..yes I thought there were many uses for boys too ;)

    And I have been dying to get my hands on falling kingdoms too! So lucky you got one! ^_^

    -Happy readings,Lisseth
    Read-A-holicZ, My StS

  2. So jealous you got Level 2 and Falling Kingdoms :) Happy reading.

  3. Great books! I want to read Gravity and Level 2 :)Falling Kingdoms looks pretty good too.

  4. Awesome books this week!! cannot wait to read Gravity!

  5. Level 2 and Uses for Boys both sound great! Can't wait to read them. :)

  6. Great book haul! I'm dying to read Uses For Boys. Enjoy the books!


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