Monday, October 1, 2012

This week's read along is for chapters one through nine and spans the first 121 pages of Sweet Evil.  And to coincide with the events of the book, this week's theme is road trips

I absolutely love road trips.  I've been on many...some better than others.  I love books that center around road trips and everything that happens on them.  And I love listening to books while I'm on a road trip, though my ability to do so may be severely limited, depending on my traveling companion(s).

Like I said, I've been on a lot of road trips.  Some with family, a lot with friends.  Most of my trips were regional, though, with the exception of those family trips back to Ohio when I was younger.  But in all my travelling, I've never taken the one trip I really wanted to:  a scenic drive down historic Route 66.  I am by no means a history buff...I'm thinking with my camera.  Can you imagine all of the photographic possibilities?!?  The hilarity that will ensue?  It would be EPIC.

But only if my travel buddy was none other than my lil sis.  Because I want to have road trip moments like this:
Road trippin' is supposed to be fun with lots of stops along the way, but I'll be completely honest, the road trips I take with my hubby and 4yo are nothing like that.  Everyone ends up cranky and sensitive and just plain old ready to get to our destination.  Sure, the intended destination is your objective, but getting there is just as fun.  Well, unless there are unexpected accidents or mishaps along the way.  Those suck, but you take them in stride.  (I could tell you loads of stories, but for the sake of brevity, I won't.  :P)

Anyway, I'd want to stop at all of the weird and wacky that Route 66 has to offer and take advantage of all of the photog opportunities, too, because there will be plenty on that beautiful, open road.  I want to see all of the big teepees and big balls of yarn, and anything else that struck my fancy along the way.  And I'd probably really make the effort to visit everything marked on this travel mat:

My thoughts on this week's read along:

Okay, I'll admit it, Kaidan is just as hawt as I'd been led to believe.  :0)  I do wish I'd read this book sooner, especially since it's been sitting on my shelf for months, but I kind of like the fact that while some are rediscovering their love for this book, it's still all so new and shiny to me. 

I like that although Anna's parents aren't in the picture, she still has a strong female parental presence in her life in the form of adoptive mom Patti.  It was also a pleasure to see that despite everything Anna's just learned about herself and her family, she doesn't go the overly dramatic route and throw a tantrum.  She digs for more answers, which leads her straight back to Kai.  *sigh*  I'm okay.  I'm okay.  It's also great that she has a perfectly platonic relationship with Jay, although I do wish she had listened to him and been smart enough not to fall prey to the likes of Scott.  (That d-bag better get his comeuppance!)  But at least it paved the way for Kai to save the day.  =D  And now that they're on this road trip together, I expect all kinds of fun times.

Favorite quotes:

“This guy was sexy like it was his job or something.”

“You.  You’re a walking contradiction.  Horns and a halo.  I don’t believe it.”

"That guy, the drummer? Get this. He's a killer musician, he gets tons of chicks, his dad's loaded, and as if that wasn't enough, he's got a friggin' English accent!"

"There's hardly any room for fear when you're so bloody turned-on."

"Mm-hm, that's part of what I'm worried about."  She pointed at his hands.  "Hands off, mister."

Teehee...I can't wait for next week!  8-)



  1. Bwahahaha! Yeah...our roadtrips usually end in a cranky mood or worst of the middle having to clean up puke from motion sickness.

    I couldn't imagine it being my first time reading Sweet Evil. Having to wait each week for the chapters.

    I love Anna's mom Patti! She's perfect for her. Scott is a DB! He pissed me off!!!

  2. Rt 66 would be fun! Great post. Isn't this fun???

  3. I'm no such a road trip girl. I get car sick. I have had a few short ones but it was mostly just us trying to get to the destination and not really making any fun stops. I am enjoying discovering this book for the first time. Kai is hot but also a douche. I guess with so much lust you are bound to be a man whore lol


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