Saturday, October 27, 2012


In My Mailbox #54

Saturday, October 27, 2012 with 10 comments

In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren.  It's a weekly meme where we all get to brag about the books and swag we got in the mail, for review, won in contests, etc.

Another busy week here at The Starry-Eyed Revue.  And I got a makeover!  :D  So, that didn't leave a lot of time for anything else, but I did get a couple of my pre-ordered books in on Wednesday, plus I won a little something.


Mystic City by Theo Lawrence - I won an ARC from the amazing Jen at YA Romantics.  (Her review can be found here.)  I love books that feature memory loss because they promise lots of unexpected craziness.  At least, that's what I'm hoping comes out of this book.  Bring on the crazy twists and turns!


The Evolution of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin - I loved The Unbecoming of Mara was confusing and mystifying, and I still don't know if Mara is crazy or not.  Can't wait to find out more about what's happening to her.  Even though I have a huge "must read next" pile, I think I'm going to read this one next so I can satisfy my curiosity.  :D

Finale by Becca Fitzpatrick - I know.  You don't have to tell me.  But I just can't NOT finish it.  And once I'm done, I'll probably end up giving away the whole series.  Because, yes, I bought the hardcovers of each book.  Like a stalker.  Like a stalker.  *still shaking head at self*  (Let's call it what it is...a guilty pleasure.  One that I almost didn't admit to buying.)

I'm going to call this week's haul the dreary edition just because of all the blues and grays on the covers.  :P

The Week in Review:

Recent Winners:  Angela Braun won a copy of Daughter of Smoke & Bone in the Fall into Fantasy Giveaway Hop!

Blog Tours:  Gravity by Melissa West

Cover Reveals:  Unresisting & Embers in a Dark Frost

Also, I'm participating in the Sweet Evil Read Along all month long!  This week's post centered around Halloween, a pivotal point in the book.  Stop by to see some really cute pics of my daughter's past Halloween costumes in my Week 4 post.  :D

The Week Ahead:

In this week's special Halloween edition of the Sunday Symposium feature, we'll be discussing the Zombie Apocalypse.

The Shadows Blog Tour stops by tomorrow, and the Something Wicked Comes Blog Tour stops by on Monday!

Also, I hope you'll stop by and enter yet another giveaway starting this week:  the Dystopian Giveaway Hop.


  1. Congrats on the book you won! For the ones you bought, I still have to start those series, but I hope you enjoy them!

  2. Great list of books. All of which I would love to read. Love the new look!

  3. I really liked Mystic City, I like what the author did with the world-building and retelling! I picked up Finale today - I hope it's as epic as everyone is saying!
    Enjoy your new books :)

  4. omg YES! The Evolution of Mara Dyer and Finale! I am really excited for both of them, more exciting for Mara Dyer though because like you I still don't know whether she's crazy or not!

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  5. I got Finale too! Can't wait to read it! Love your new look!

  6. Some nice titles there. Mystic City looks awesome and i need to read Evolution of Mara Dyer after the ending in the unbecoming of Mara Dyer.

    You can check out what I got this week here:

  7. Congrats! Mystic City looks really good :D Happy reading!

  8. Nice makeover! :D

    I totally loved Mystic City! It had a very Romeo and Juliet feel to it.. it was awesome! I hope you enjoy it. :)

  9. I am still loving the redesign!! Is it weird that I still haven't read my copy of Mara Dyer 1, and am tempted to buy number two? I'm kinda curious to hear about Finale. Enjoy!

  10. Wow! You got Mystic City! Jelly! XD


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