Saturday, February 25, 2012


In My Mailbox #20

Saturday, February 25, 2012 with 11 comments

In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren.  It's a weekly meme where we all get to brag about the books and swag we got in the mail, for review, won in contests, etc.

For Review:

Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers (His Fair Assassin, Book 1), ARC from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt/HMH Kids -- sooo excited for this one


Fever by Lauren DeStefano
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Other Stories by Lewis Carroll (part of the B&N Leatherbound Classics series)
Iron Crowned by Richelle Mead (audiobook)
Shadow Heir by Richelle Mead (audiobook)

I bought that leatherbound copy of Alice for a friend's birthday because she's a HUGE Alice-nut, but after seeing all of the offerings in this B&N series, I may have to get them all for myself.  Or, ya know, someone could get them for me since my own birthday is coming up.  And it's a big one.  And everyone always says they don't know what to get me because they can't pick books for me.  Well, here's the solution.  :D


  1. Awesome books! I have Grave Mercy headed my way. I can't wait to see what you think of it. Enjoy the books!

  2. Such a cute Alice book! I would keep it for myself too, lol! Fever seems to be the most popular IMM book this week, I feel so left out! and Grave Mercy sounds fab! Enjoy!!!

    Here's my IMM:

  3. Awesome haul!! Cant wait to rad Grave Mery and Fever!!

  4. Hi Jen:)
    Thanks for visiting my IMM post :)

    I also received Grave Mercy a couple weeks ago, and I think I'm going to read it this week, I've heard great things about it!;) I hope we both love it. All the cover reveals are gorgeous.:) Ironed Crowned was great, I didn't like Shadow Heir but some of my buddies loved it, ;) The Alice in Wonderland book is gorgeous. I know it will be a shock to you but I love Pink!!;) hehe.
    Hope you love these. I'll stalk your goodreads updates!;) Take Care

  5. Hmmmm, grave mercy, I'll have to look that one up. I like the cover.

    YAY Fever! I will probably order that one next week with my bday money. My friend suzanne has it.. Omg it's gorgeous. I love that the actual book is hot pink. ahh, the little things. :) I have to know what happened too.

    So your liking those Richelle Mead books? I need to try some of her other stuff. hell, I have to pick up bloodlines too, I haven't read it yet.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Great mailbox!! I can't wait to read Fever and Grave Mercy! The Alice's Adventures in Wonderland book is gorgeous!! I was just wondering if it had illustrations too? I might have to pick myself up a copy now...

    Check out my mailbox for the week!

  8. Oh my goodness! That is the absolute cutest Alice book I have ever seen! I almost want to buy it just for it’s attractiveness! Awesome IMM this week, I hope you like Grave Mercy, it’s one that I am eager to read, myself!

    Darlene @ Leather Bound and Lovely

  9. Oh, and I meant to tell you, Im sorry I didn't respond to your comments the other day.. it was a poop fest in my house hold.. rough week.. but that's awesome that you had the same love at first sight-ish experience. We have way to much in common.

    And wth, the store didn't have that book. what a bunch of dummies.. they could have had a sale. :)

  10. Oh and again. thanks for letting me hold on to DoSaB a while longer.. I will take care of her.. I just want to get the details all correct in my video. :oP And you will be givin full credit for sending it to me and making me read it.. <3 Love that book so hard.

  11. Hi! I thought I had already left you a comment about this, but I guess I didn't! I just wanted to let you know that I'm co-hosting/participating in a Wither/Fever read-along event starting this Sunday, March 18th, and you should totally participate! It's okay if you've already read Wither and/or Fever. Here's a link for more info if you're interested: Catch Wither Fever Read-Along Event


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