Saturday, November 3, 2012


In My Mailbox #55

Saturday, November 3, 2012 with 10 comments

In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren.  It's a weekly meme where we all get to brag about the books and swag we got in the mail, for review, won in contests, etc.

Lots of good books this week.  Tons, in fact.  But it's not helping me get caught up, darn it.  :^(

For Review:

Dualed by Elsie Chapman - I have wanted to read this book from the moment I first discovered it on someone's WoW.  Fight yourself to the death to prove that you are worthy?  Yeah, I'm gonna need to read this...I mean, how do you know that you're the best version of yourself?

What Happens Next by Colleen Clayton - Despite any preconceived notions about YA contemporary novels, I'm on a contemporary reading high these days.  This book is part of that.  Check out my review here.

The Scourge by A.G. Henley - I love zombies.  Can't get enough of them, apparently.  But when it becomes humans vs. humans vs. zombies, I'm all over that.

Greta and the Goblin King by Chloe Jacobs - Okay, this book sounds very much like Labyrinth, one of my favorite movies as a kid, so I'm very interested to see this author's take on it.  But it will be hard not to picture the Goblin King as Jareth in all his big-haired glory.  :P

Purchased/Ebook Deals:

Roar and Liv by Veronica Rossi - I'm dying for Through the Ever Night, so I went ahead and purchased this novella from that world to tide me over until January.  Well, that, and Roar has me thoroughly intrigued.  What a fun character!

Insignia by S.J. Kincaid - Not my usual read, but I've been surprised by this type of book before.  I just remember being interested in this title when it first released, so I couldn't pass it up while it's on sale for $2.99.

So Close to You by Rachel Carter - I think this is about time travel.  I think.  I read some good reviews and some not-so-good reviews, so we'll see.  I do like the cover, though.  I think I originally thought it was about tornadoes or something.  Another $2.99 ebook I couldn't pass up.  :)

Okay, I think that's it.  I feel like I forgot something very important.  Oh, well.  I'll catch it next week, if so.  :P

The Week in Review:

Recent Winners:  Kylie won the ARC of I Hunt Killers in the Spooktacular Giveaway Hop and Lisa (Lost in Literature) won Anna Dressed in Black and Girl of Nightmares in the Something Wicked Comes Giveaway!

Blog Tours:  Shadows by Ilsa J. Bick and Something Wicked Comes featuring the Anna series by Kendare Blake

The Week Ahead:

The Greta and the Goblin King Blog Tour stops by on Tuesday!

I'll be helping reveal the cover for Michelle Davidson Argyle's Pieces, A Breakaway Novel on Monday.

Also, I hope you'll stop by and enter yet another giveaway starting this week:  the Thankful for Books Giveaway Hop.  And look for more great giveaways soon!


  1. Dualed is DEF on my list!! And I bought Liv and Road and So Close to You as well so yay! Happy reading!

  2. All your books look awesome! Especially can't wait to see what you think of What Happens Next, I'm trying to get more into some Contemporary books and need some ideas of where to start lol. Have a great week!!

  3. I just saw What Happens Next in another persons mailbox. It looks so good.

    i didn't know about Roar and Liv. I loved Roar.

  4. Wow, really cool haul! That first book sounds fantastic :) Thanks for sharing!


  5. Great haul this week!! I cannot wait to read Greta and the Goblin King!

  6. What Happens next's a part of my haul too and god, I hope it lives upto all the hype!
    Roar & Liv is on my buy-list for the next week!! :D
    Happy reading!
    Addie @ READioactive Book Blog

  7. Dualed sounds really good! And I hear great things about What happens next. I haven't heard of The Scourge before, but you got me with zombies. I've added it to my GR list right away.

    Happy reading! :D

  8. Awesome new books!! Unfortunately Dualed really disappointed me. :( I was really looking forward to it and it wasn't nearly as good as I was hoping. Bummer! But I promise you, Insignia is AMAZING!! One of my favourite books of 2012! I hope you really like it!

    My Stacking the Shelves - My First Physical ARCs Edition

  9. I got Dualed too and am excited about that. Roar was a great character, so can't wait to hear your take on the novella!

  10. These are some great picks! I look forward to your reviews :D
    Amy @ TeenyReader


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