Wednesday, November 28, 2012

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

This week's WoW selection is...

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Title: Strands of Bronze and Gold
Author: Jane Nickerson
Series: Strands of Bronze and Gold, book #1
Publisher: Random House Children's Books
Publication Date: March 12, 2013

The Bluebeard fairy tale retold. . . .

When seventeen-year-old Sophia Petheram’s beloved father dies, she receives an unexpected letter. An invitation—on fine ivory paper, in bold black handwriting—from the mysterious Monsieur Bernard de Cressac, her godfather. With no money and fewer options, Sophie accepts, leaving her humble childhood home for the astonishingly lavish Wyndriven Abbey, in the heart of Mississippi.

Sophie has always longed for a comfortable life, and she finds herself both attracted to and shocked by the charm and easy manners of her overgenerous guardian. But as she begins to piece together the mystery of his past, it’s as if, thread by thread, a silken net is tightening around her. And as she gathers stories and catches whispers of his former wives—all with hair as red as her own—in the forgotten corners of the abbey, Sophie knows she’s trapped in the passion and danger of de Cressac’s intoxicating world.

Glowing strands of romance, mystery, and suspense are woven into this breathtaking debut—a thrilling retelling of the “Bluebeard” fairy tale.

Why I'm waiting:  Okay, I'll admit it...I had to do a little research on Bluebeard.  I've never heard of that "fairy tale".  (Sounds more like a horror story, if you ask me.)  Anyway, between what I found online and the premise for this novel, I must read this story!  It sounds like a fantastic retelling, and I am ALL ABOUT THE DEBUTS, y'all.  And, ermigawd, that cover is soooooooooo gorgeous!  =)

What are you waiting on this week?  Share it in the comments or leave me a link so I can stop by!  Happy Wednesday!


  1. I love Fairy tale retellings! I can't believe I haven't heard of this before. My WoW

  2. Hmm... I've never heard of Bluebeard either. I'll have to check it out, though I'm a little hesitant now that you called it a horror story! LOL :D I absolutely adore that cover, and I'm totally going to add this one to my TBR list... and pronto!

  3. Nice pick! I'm not sure that I would love it, but the story sounds perfect for you. Thanks for sharing !

  4. OMG -- Bluebeard was one of my most favorite fairy tales! (Yes, I was a strange, morbid child.)
    So I'm SO excited about this one.

  5. I definitely want to read this one too - Bluebeard is scary awesome!

    Our WoW is at Book Sake. –Jessica

  6. I saw that the author of Strands of Bronze and Gold has the Grimms Brothers version of the short Bluebeard fairytale on her website (for people who want a refresher on the old tale). She also has some cool historical stuff including some period discussion about the "corset controversy".

  7. OOoh yes! Very excited for this too! Saw it on netgalley and put in a request and am still awaiting for what I hope will be a yes!

    Thanks for visiting my WoW!

  8. I would have to research Bluebeard as well, but the story sounds oh so exciting!

  9. I had trouble tearing my eyes from the cover to read the description ^^ I know the Bluebeard tale... well, I know what it's about. So I'm extremely curious about this book now - I've never heard of a retelling of this particular story. It sounds like it'll be Gothic and subtly menacing, with things brooding under the surface until they erupt. Deliciously creepy. This definitely goes on my TBR ;) Seems like we could both give each other great recommendations this week :) Thanks for stopping by!

  10. I haven't read Bluebeard and this sounds uber creepy lol but really interesting!

  11. I haven't heard of this one before but it sounds really good! And creepy. But I love that! Thanks for sharing! :)

    Thanks for stopping by my post!

    ~Sara @ Forever 17 Books

  12. Thanks for helping me add to my TBR list!!! Happy Reading! Here is my WoW for this week!

  13. Like you, I LOVE the sound of this book. Mystery, historical fiction, romance AND a fascinating retelling all rolled into one? Where are the sign up sheets? ;) Fantastic pick, Jen! And I agree, the cover is absolutely exquisite. :)

  14. This sounds so amazing and I also really love the cover :) Great pick!


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