Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the awesome ladies at The Broke and the Bookish. Apparently, they are overly fond of list-making and love to share their bookish lists with the rest of us book nerds. =) We're game.
This week's topic is the Ten Fairytale Retellings I've Read/Want To Read (or you could do fairytales I want to be retold or fairytales I love):
Jen's Picks:
I loveloveLOVE fairy tale retellings. Like, above all other fantasies, I usually appreciate these the most. But most especially Beauty and the Beast retellings. You'll notice that there are three on my list above, though I'm not sure if Uprooted was supposed to be a true retelling or not...it just felt like one to me while I was reading. =) And then I've got a Nutcracker retelling, a Cinderella retelling, a retelling of The Arabian Nights, Robin Hood and Little Red Riding Hood-based stories, and two more childhood favorites...reimaginings of Alice in Wonderland and Peter Pan. I could have kept going with this list because of just how much I adore retellings, and I'm sure there are plenty more I want to read, but I was trying to be good this week. :D
Which novels made your list? Be sure to share a link to your TTT post so we can visit!
I love all of your choices - most of them are on mine too haha! Who doesn't love a good fairytale though??
Lovely collection of retellings! I am excited to read The Wrath and The Dawn and Uprooted.
ReplyDeleteThe Lunar Chronicles, The Wrath and the Dawn, and Winterspell made my list as well. Uprooted is also a great choice. I love that book but I never really think of it as a retelling, even though it does have Beauty and the Beast elements.
ReplyDeleteCassi @ My Thoughts Literally
We have a lot of the same picks! Great minds think alike! I think the one I'm most excited to read is Cruel Beauty. Happy Reading :)
ReplyDeleteErica @ Read It. Note It.
My Top Ten!
Definitely adding Wrath and the Dawn to my TBR list (hadn't heard of it before this week's linkup) My TTT list
ReplyDeleteI thought Uprooted felt a bit like a BatB retelling too! Mixed in with its own original plot. Retellings are my faaaavorite, especially fairy tale ones! You have a great list :) I love love loved ACOTAR, Scarlet, Cinder, and Uprooted. The Wrath and the Dawn, Alias Hook, and Winterspell are all on my shelf at home, I need to read them soon! And I loved Cruel Beauty so I'm very interested in Crimson Bound. A few of my other favorites besides the ones we share: Ella Enchanted, Stitching Snow, Grounded: The Adventures of Rapunzel, Entwined, The Sweetest Spell, A Curse Dark as Gold, Rook (Scarlet Pimpernel), For Darkness Shows the Stars (Persuasion), Every Breath (Sherlock Holmes). I've yet to find a Little Mermaid or Aladdin retelling that I like but I'm hopeful!
ReplyDeleteOoh, I love all of your picks! Cinder is the only one I've read, but I'm lusting after the others. Great list! These are all in my TBR. I hope I can get to them someday soon! Thanks for sharing! My TTT is here.
ReplyDeleteHuh I didn't think of Uprooted as a retelling, though it was a GREAT story.
ReplyDeleteMy ttt
I loved Splintered, Cinder, and ACOTAR! I need to read the rest on the list though! Maybe soon!
ReplyDeleteMy TTT
Lizzie @ Big Books and Grande Lattes
I've read Cinder & Winterspell and loved them both! Great picks, a lot of these are on my current TBR and made my list this week for being books I WANT to read!
ReplyDeleteCheck out my Top Ten Tuesday list!
Also, last chance to enter my giveaway!
Katrina @ Chased By My Imagination
ooh great list! I put Cruel Beauty on mine too! And I want to read Crimson Bound soon! I heard mixed things about Wrath and the Dawn. but I know I'll read it eventually because I read all retellings of Middle Eastern mythology and fairytales, it's irresistable! :) Winterspell was also on my list, gotta love that cover! You will love Cinder (u probly hear that a lot, but still lol).
ReplyDeleteDiamond @ Diamond's Reads [my TTT]