Saturday, January 26, 2013


In My Mailbox #66

Saturday, January 26, 2013 with 17 comments

In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren.  It's a weekly meme where we all get to brag about the books and swag we got in the mail, for review, won in contests, etc.

So many awesome books coming out on Tuesday...I hope you're all prepared.  Neither my pocketbook nor my TBR pile are, but I tried not to request too many books to help out with that.  Oh, and I forgot to mention a couple of books that arrived with Boundless last week, so I'm adding those to the list this week.

For Review:

Impostor by Jill Hathaway - I really enjoyed Slide when I read it as an ARC last year, so I was super-psyched to get my ARC of Impostor last week.  I'm hoping to re-read Slide soon and dive into this one so I can pass it on to a friend who wants to read it as badly as I do.

The Boyfriend App by Katie Sise - I actually don't know much about this book, but the geek in me thinks it sounds awesome.  And I love the simplicity of the cover.  Get the app.  Get the guy.  Oh, if it had been that easy!  =)

The Rules for Disappearing by Ashley Elston - A book about a girl in the witness protection program?  Count me in.  I wanted to read Shadowlands, too.  Another great debut to add to my challenge list!

Revenge of the Girl with the Great Personality by Elizabeth Eulberg - This will be my first Elizabeth Eulberg read.  I actually have an ARC of Take a Bow on my shelf, but I haven't gotten to it yet.  But this book sounds so fun that I will be pushing others aside to get to it.  :)

Huge thanks to HarperTeen, Disney Hyperion & Scholastic for these awesome, awesome books!!!


'Til the World Ends by Julie Kagawa, Ann Aguirre & Karen Duvall - I won a signed copy of this collection of short stories from Karen Duvall!  I just finished reading the Ann Aguirre short story last weekend, and it was phenomenal.  Check out my review tomorrow!

I also got a ton of HarperCollins titles from good ole Edelweiss.  I'll showcase them next week 'cause I'm tired and itchin' to get back to The Madman's Daughter before I pass out, but here's a list in case you're interested:  Severed Heads, Broken Hearts; September Girls; You Look Different in Real Life; Life After Theft; Transparent; Parallel; The End Games; Wild Awake; Born of Illusion; and many more.  Pretty much, most of the titles thrown around at #ARCparty are available.  Not all, but most.  Which makes for very happy readers and bloggers!

You guys!  This is my last sober weekend.  I gave up booze for the month of January, and as an added incentive, my boss offered up a cool $50 if I made it until February 1st.  He had a deal going with his buddies, but only he and one other guy are left, so he needed someone else to keep him honest, or so he says.  I'll take it either way.  More book money!   :P  Hope you're all having a fabulous weekend!

The Week in Review:

Reviews:  Altered, Prodigy & Vortex (audio)

Current Giveaways:  Back to the Future Giveaway Hop & first eARC of Blurred to celebrate the cover reveal

Blog Tours/Promotions:  Blurred cover reveal, Boundless Blog Tour

The Week Ahead:

Reviews of Thistle & Thorne (SSS), The Madman's Daughter & Sanctum (audio)

Fire & Ice Blog Tour stops by on Monday -- I'm featuring Meant to Be by Lauren Morrill

Cambria Hebert

Young Adult Giveaway Hop -- starts on Monday!


  1. I can't wait for Revenge and Rules!!

  2. AWESOME new books!! I'm so jealous of The Boyfriend App and The Rules for Disappearing! Both of those sound awesome! :D

    My Stacking the Shelves

  3. Some very good books this week. Happy Reading!!

  4. I also got Rules for Disappearing but thanks for the heads-up on Girl with The Great Personality. I think that author also wrote a Pride and Prejudice retelling!

  5. I am really looking forward to The Rules for Disappearing. Hope you enjoy it :)

  6. Ahhhh!!! Your so lucky to get The Rules for Disappearing :) It sounds like it is going to be awesome - I can't wait for it!! I hope you enjoy everything !!

    Happy Reading!

    Lauren @ Lose Time Reading

  7. Great books, especially 'til the world ends :D I haven't heard of The boyfriend app before, but it sounds like fun. Happy reading!


  8. The Boyfriend App sounds really good!

  9. The Boyfriend App definitely caught my attention too. Sounds right up my alley! :) I hope you enjoy your books this week! :)

  10. The Boyfriend App and The Rules for Disappearing both look fantastic! Contemporary books are my favorite and the two look rather different... in a good way. (:

    Hope you enjoy your books and happy reading!

  11. Crap! Why haven't I thought to request Imposter? I really liked Slide. I'm lol'ing about your booze bet. Good job, girl !

  12. I am so excited for The Rules for Disappearing! And omg all of those HarperTeen titles on Edelweiss! I requested a couple but am preparing for rejection. LOL

  13. I read Revenge of the Girl with the Great Personality, but didn't like it, but I cannot wait to read the other books you got! Congrats!

  14. All the books you've got for reviewing sound really interesting! And the covers are awesome!!

    Good luck on the bet :P

  15. Great haul! The Boyfriend App sounds amazing... :-)

  16. Yay for The Rules of Disappearing! Also Impostor looks so good =D


    Here's my Book Haul post.

    Sana @ artsy musings of a bibliophile


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