Tuesday, January 1, 2013


2013 Book Blogger Resolutions & Goals

Tuesday, January 1, 2013 with 17 comments
Okay, so I thought I'd start off 2013 right.  My friend Jen over at YA Romantics posted a really, really fascinating statistical analysis of her 2012 reads, breaking it down by genre, publisher, how she received the book, etc.  I like to think of myself as pretty organized, but my current Excel workbook doesn't incorporate even half of this info, and being the Type A personality that I am, I must now rethink the whole endeavor.  I might even start from scratch.  Honestly, I really want to take a peek at her spreadsheet, especially after seeing all of those charts and graphs.  It's amazing!!!

And in keeping with the crazy organization that keeps me sane, I came up with some resolutions for 2013 that I hope will make this blogging thing less time-consuming so I can spend more time with my books...and my family, of course.  =)  If you've decided to keep reading, you'll also observe that I tend to confess a lot in justification of these resolutions.

So, here goes.  My 2013 book blogging resolutions...and some confessions:

1.  Take better notes - My notes these days consist of scribbled page numbers and the first few words of quotes I like.  Or:  "This is cheesy."  Like I said, take better notes.

2.  Schedule, schedule, schedule - I find that the weeks when I have all of my posts prepared ahead of schedule, I feel amazingly less stressed and more accomplished.  I have a calendar.  I have spreadsheets.  Now to compile all of the spreadsheet data onto the calendar.

3.  Post less promotional spots (book blitz, excerpts, tours) - I did a lot of this at the end of the year.  I thought I was doing the authors a great service, but I feel like ultimately, I just provided a great disservice to myself and to my readers, especially upon finding the same generic posts all over the book blogosphere.  I'll continue to promote books through reviews and giveaways and join on the tours that really, really grab my attention or are for books that I am just dying to read.  But for the most part, I'd like to spend more time reading and less time copying and pasting info from a tour host into a post that won't garner me much traffic or credibility.  You guys deserve much better from me.  And I owe it to myself not to cop out like that.

4.  Review every book as soon as it's been read (or at least before starting the next one) - I get sooooo behind on reviews because I go into a "my book just ended and I feel all the feels" depression.  I've found it rather cathartic to get those feels out in review form as soon as possible, but I get distracted by a shiny new book more often than not.  So, I am going to get myself caught up on the, ahem, 14 reviews currently in my queue.  I've got words saved up in my head...I just need to get them down on paper, or rather typed out.

5.  NOT start any new memes this year - I don't even remember if I did any memes in the six months or so that I was blogging in 2011, but I picked up a ton in 2012.  I'll stick with the ones I've got, and if I find one that I just HAVE to do each week, I'll either switch it with ones currently in rotation or I'll swap them out completely.

6.  Create an alphabetical listing of reviews, by author and by title - I search for my own reviews sometimes looking for this or that, and I have the darndest time sometimes trying to find what I'm looking for.  So, this resolution is as much for me as it is for you.

7.  Update my blog at least twice a week - This applies to the tabs at the top, mostly, but also to my sidebar items, as I am finding more recently that these are way out-dated or not linked correctly at all.  This is so not me.  I am usually the picture of perfection -- I don't think I'm perfect, but I strive for perfection at every opportunity -- so all of these little random things not working or being behind schedule is really driving me bonkers.

8.  Attend a book signing (or two) and hopefully TLA in April - I'm an introvert.  Maybe most of us book bloggers are, but it doesn't appear that way from all of the posts around the blogosphere.  I'm quite content behind my computer, but I'd also like to work out of my comfort zone some and meet some new authors and book bloggers.  Thus far in my book blogging career, I've been to one book signing and one book conference.  I'd like to branch out this year and attend at least one of each.  I'm also going to attempt to befriend the librarians and staff at my local library.  It's small...I live in a town of less than 3,000, but maybe I can help make the two-city community library better.  Maybe I'll even have time to volunteer there if I succeed in reducing my book-blogging time this year!

9.  Comment more on other blogs and return comments on my blog - I sometimes feel like I'm the only book blogger with a full-time job and family because it seems like everyone else easily finds the time to post, comment, tweet, Facebook, Tumbl, etc., all over the place.  I know we're all busy.  And I'm probably no busier than the rest of you.  But I am going to make a serious effort to be the kind of book blogging friend you all deserve.

10.  Keep better track of my stats and figures - This is all Jen's doing.  I am resolving to do an end-of-2013 post like hers for 2012, and in order to do so, I must log everything.  I want pretty charts and graphs to account for all of my hard work this year.  Sure, this is a hobby.  But it's also kind of become an obsession.  I want to see the numbers, dammit!

Alright you guys, I managed to trim my list down to my top ten resolutions and goals.  I want you to give me grief when I start slipping.  I want to be nagged and nitpicked.  I'm already going to have two relentless drill sergeants in my personal life as I try to lose some weight.  Now I need you on my side to help me be a better book blogger...and a better mommy.

Because, you see, a lot of these resolutions pertain to my family's declarations that I spend too much time blogging and not enough time with them.  To them, blogging has become a second job for me, one that takes precedence over them.  I hate that.  I want it to go back to being something I love to do, not that I feel like I have to do.  Don't get me wrong, I enjoy every minute of it.  But sometimes you need to draw a line, ya know?

Whew, it seriously is like Bookaholics Anonymous in here, but I feel so much better after getting some of these things off my chest.  :D

So, what are some of your resolutions for 2013?  Bookish or not.  I don't care.  Lay 'em on me.  We could all use the support, right?

Twinkling Stars - Happy New Year

Thanks for stopping by!  I appreciate each and every one of my readers, and I wish you all a prosperous and happy new year!


  1. I think I should review books before I start with another one too. My resolution for 2013 would be to read more books as compared to 2012. Perhaps try to finish books I have before start purchasing for a new one. Haha.. And I hope I could write/complete my own book :D

    HAPPY NEW YEAR to you! ~ヾ(^∇^)

    1. Happy New Year and good luck on your goals, too!

  2. My notes are much the same way. lol I actually have to write a review as soon as I finish a book, or at least within the following few days, or I forget details. And I am soooooo sucky at scheduling. I think because it literally takes me HOURS to write posts. *sigh* I need more time. lol

    P.S. I think you are already a pretty awesome book blogging friend. :)

    1. Aw, thanks! And I need more time, too. Or to be able to function on less sleep. :P

  3. I can empathize with many of your points, but especially 3 and 4. I also did a lot of book blitzes and promo stuff towards the end of the year and I didn't feel good about it anymore after a while. It took over the reviews and other things that are more substantial content. I also want to limit myself to participating in only those that really interest me a lot - I think I got carried away by the fact that I had the opportunity to participate in this kind of thing at all.
    Same thing goes for reviews. I am soooo behind!!! Whenever I write them directly afterwards they tend to be good. But sometimes it's like 'okay, I'm done with this book but I don't have the time to write a review right now, I need to sleep.' Next morning: 'I need a new read.' And already I'm carried away again >.< Shiny new book syndrome indeed...
    Happy new year, and good luck with everything you've set out to accomplish! :)

    1. I got carried away with those, too...they were easy posts and gave me content when I was struggling to get other posts together, but it was also nice to sort of offer support to authors in that way. Reviews do that, too, though. :) Happy New Year to you, too. Good luck with your goals, as well!

  4. Yeah, I'm always trying to be more organized -- mostly so I can be more efficient.

    You Spreadsheet Queen -- you can do what I did with one hand tied behind your back. I am definitely keeping up with the spreadsheet. It was fun and I'm happy that I'm learning Excel. I'd also like to get more posts scheduled ahead of time and write reviews right away. It's not that we're forgetful, but when you read three books a week, the details start to blur.

    But all of that is very time-consuming and my family also complains. So I'm also resolving to keep blogging more fun. If something I'm doing becomes a chore, it will have to go or be revamped.

    Happy New Year!

    1. I like that nickname, lol. Here's to a Happy New Year full of efficiency and fun blogging times! :)

  5. These are great goal! I'm also going to try and talk you into going to some of the big events like Austin Teen Book Fest!

    1. I'm more likely to attend the ones here in the DFW area, but you're free to try. :P Nah, I really do want to, but I need a partner in crime. :)

  6. Your goals make me tired, hah. I am such a pantser of a blogger and my reading has been so sporadic this past year that I know I would never be able to stick to these--but I AM determined to post more regularly again.

    I wish you huge amounts of luck in your blogging goals, though--and I bet you won't even need it. xoxo To another great book year!

    1. Yay, to another great book year! And you are a great blogger! Honestly, it was your reviews on GR that made me want to do this in the first place! Your passion for reading is unrivaled. :) Happy New Year!

  7. Wow, you have quite some goals there and I hope you can stick to them! I don't really have any goals, I just want to enjoy what I do :p


    1. That's all that matters...and I hope you continue to enjoy it! :) Happy New Year!

  8. Happy New Year! Good luck on your blogging goals!

    1. Thanks! I wish you much success in the new year, too!

  9. Thanks so much! I'm glad I'm not the only one who has that problem. ;) Happy New Year!


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