Saturday, December 28, 2013


In My Mailbox #114

Saturday, December 28, 2013 with 4 comments

In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren.  It's a weekly meme where we all get to brag about the books and swag we got in the mail, for review, won in contests, etc.

So, apparently when I said I'd be back to my normal blogging schedule on Thursday or Friday, what I really meant was that I was going to go camping with my family at the deer lease and then come down with a stomach flu that left me incapacitated for the last couple of days.  I'm still not at 100%, but I feel tons better than I did yesterday.  However, I've yet to finish a book or a blog post while I've been on vacation.  Grrr.

Anyway, here's what I scored this week:

For Review:

Something Real
Thank you, Henry Holt & Fierce Reads!!!
(click on the cover(s) above to be taken to the Goodreads page for each book)

I won an ARC of this through a Twitter giveaway, and I can't wait to read it.  Personally, I'm not the biggest fan of reality tv, but I love reading about the behind-the-scenes stuff.

So, that's my haul.  How about you?  What did you get this week?

The Week in Review:

  • none

Current Giveaways:  Check back soon...I need to make room for more books!  :D

Promotional/Discussion Posts:  I (still) hope to do more discussions over the holidays...I've really been lacking in that department.  Sorry!

Jen's Currently Reading/Listening To:

Starters (Starters, #1)Lady Thief (Scarlet, #2)Since I just finished Scarlet and I now have the sequel in my possession and there's not better way to read books than back-to-back, I decided to pick up Lady Thief, even though it's not next on my list.  Schedule-schmedule.

Listening to this one as a refresher for Enders, which I need to read and review soon.  I actually kind of forgot how awesome this book is.  And the narrator is solid, which always helps.

Upcoming Reviews:

The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-BanksAlienated (Alienated, #1)Bright Before SunriseThe Unbound (The Archived, #2)

Yep, not much has changed since last week.  Being sick/taking care of sick people will do that to you.  Hope you're all staying healthy and safe and warm!  I'll try to make the rounds soon.  =)

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  1. I'm glad you're feeling better, and I hope you continue to improve <3 I hate being ill.

    I'm dying to read Starters! It sounds so promising. What did you think of The Unbound? Was it better than The Archived?

  2. I'm so sorry to hear you were sick :-( Seems like everyone either has the flu or stomach flu. We've been sick around here FOREVER. It went away only for us to catch something else. I hope you continue to feel better and have the time and motivation to read. I'm with you...I'm behind on reading and writing reviews. Hopefully soon :-)

  3. Hi Jen

    I loved "Scarlet" and I'm looking forward to "Lady Thief". Such a refreshing take on the Robin Hood story.

    Please feel free to check out my Christmas Haul post at

    Enjoy your reads.

  4. I loved Scarlet! I am currently reading Lady Thief, definitely a promising sequel!
    Em @


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