Wednesday, December 4, 2013


"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

This week's WoW selection is...

Title: Murder of Crows
Author: Anne Bishop
Series: The Others, book #2
Publisher: Roc/Penguin
Publication Date: March 4, 2014

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After winning the trust of the terra indigene residing in the Lakeside Courtyard, Meg Corbyn has had trouble figuring out what it means to live among them. As a human, Meg should be barely tolerated prey, but her abilities as a cassandra sangue make her something more.

The appearance of two addictive drugs has sparked violence between the humans and the Others, resulting in the murder of both species in nearby cities. So when Meg has a dream about blood and black feathers in the snow, Simon Wolfgard — Lakeside’s shape-shifting leader — wonders if their blood prophet dreamed of a past attack or a future threat.

As the urge to speak prophecies strikes Meg more frequently, trouble finds its way inside the Courtyard. Now, the Others and the handful of humans residing there must work together to stop the man bent on reclaiming their blood prophet—and stop the danger that threatens to destroy them all.

Love that cover.  Love the term "murder" of crows.  Loved the previous book.  So, obviously this was a "no question about it" add to the TBR, but after seeing Written in Red in one of the Goodreads Awards "best of" categories, I started getting a little antsy for the second book.  I need this book yesterday!

Now that you know what I'm dying to read, what are you waiting on this week?  Feel free to share it in the comments or leave a link so I can stop by!


  1. Sounds like a really dark book Jen! I don't know why but something about it (maybe the drugs and the gangs) reminds me of The Downside Ghosts series by Stacia Kane. Great pick!

    Here's my WOW this week.

  2. I loved the first one, too, and can't wait to read this! Have you read anything else by Anne Bishop??

    My WOW

  3. I totally forgot I meant to read the first one, but maybe I'll just wait and read both together. Murder of Crows is a fantastic title, too. WoW: The Almost Girl.

  4. Great pick! Also, I love your blog - the star design is gorgeous!!

  5. I think I would sell my soul for this book! I need to figure out how to request it, because I might self combust before it releases. I seriously check EW and NG every day for it. Tho it probably won't be accessible there.

  6. I love the colors on this book cover! I need to double check if the first book is on my TBR!

  7. I haven't read the first book, but I'll have to check it out. I hope you love this. Great pick!


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