Saturday, July 7, 2012


In My Mailbox #38

Saturday, July 7, 2012 with 10 comments

In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren.  It's a weekly meme where we all get to brag about the books and swag we got in the mail, for review, won in contests, etc.

I hope you all had a fabulous 4th of July holiday and got plenty of reading in while you relaxed and waited till it was time for fireworks!  :D  I didn't get as much reading done as I'd hoped (family trumps reading time), but I did manage to add several more titles to my collection, and thus my TBR:

For Review:

The Assassin's Curse by Cassandra Rose Clarke
The Treachery of Beautiful Things by Ruth Frances Long

Thanks to Angry Robot and Penguin/Dial for providing review copies!


eBook deals:
Going Too Far by Jennifer Echols ($3.99 - Nook | Kindle)
Forget You by Jennifer Echols ($3.99 Nook | Kindle)
Angelfire by Courtney Allison Moulton ($2.99 Nook | Kindle)
A Beautiful Dark by Jocelyn Davies ($2.99 Nook | Kindle)

audiobooks I caught on sale:
Belles by Jen Calonita
This Dark Endeavor by Kenneth Oppel

That's it for me this week.  Lots I didn't plan on buying, but I can't pass up a good sale for titles already sitting on my TBR list.  I'm weak, what can I say?

How weak were you this week?  :P


  1. I LOVE the Assassins Curse to pieces!!! Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!!! ;-)

    My haul:

  2. So many good books! I've been wanting to read The Treachery of Beautiful Things, so that's cool that you got it for review. A Beautiful Dark looks great too. And I've never seen This Dark Endeavor before but the cover is awesome - the guy looks hot haha.

  3. AHHH! I really want to read The Treachery of Beautiful things, you are SO lucky!
    I've also bought those two Jennifer Echols books on Kindle- I heard that Jennifer Echols was an amazing author, and they were cheap, so why not?

    Awesome haul!

  4. Eeeppp!!! I REALLY want The Treachery. I heard SO MANY great things on Jennifer Echols books. Enjoy your reads! :D

    Fara @ Tumbling In Books

  5. The Assassin's Curse was good.. but here's a tip/warning:

    Do not read the plot summary before reading the book!!! It contains spoilers! If you already have read it, then at least wait a few weeks before reading it and try to forget it. It's totally absurd, but there are actually spoilers in the plot summary. Something said in there we don't find out until like the last 10-20 pages of the book. That kind of ruined my reading experience. :( I kept waiting for something 'more' to happen, but basically the plot summary is a recap of the ENTIRE book, rather than just a blurb to get you excited about the beginning.

    Bit of a let down. :( It's still a good read though!

    Enjoy all your books! :)
    ♥ Ashley ♥

  6. AH! Those Jennifer Echols books. I've been waiting for the price on them to go down forever, so they were under $5. I'm definitely going to go buy those now.
    Thanks for sharing!

    Hope you enjoy all your books.
    Check out my Stacking the Shelves

  7. Great set of books, Jeannette! I loved Belles. I hope you do too. Enjoy all the goodies!

  8. Sweet haul! I really need to pick up a copy of Belles. I hear its really good. Enjoy all of your new goodies.

  9. Oooo The Treachery of Beautiful Things cover is beautiful!! Its treacherous how beautiful it is hahaha see what I did there?

    ok im leaving now lmao

    Nice haul


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