Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the awesome ladies at The Broke and the Bookish. Apparently, they are overly fond of list-making and love to share their bookish lists with the rest of us book nerds. =) We're game.
This week's topic is the Top Ten Books People Have Been Telling You That You MUST Read -- whether because they think it's a "you" book or it's just been generally recommended so often.
April's Picks:The Covenant Series by Jennifer L. Armentrout - I've had these books recommended to me by so many people. I will eventually get to them when I'm old and gray.
Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin - I'm a huge fan of the show. My husband and I love it. My brother however calls me all the time to tell me how the episodes differ from the original story and the books are so much better, blah blah blah. I know I know, but I can only read so much! lol. :)
The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater - These books didn't interest me at all, but Jen says they are really good, so now I'm going to have to read them.
Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta - Again, lots of people recommend this one. I really must read it soon.
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak - My cousin is the first person to recommend this to me. She's an english teacher and swears I have to read it. I actually recently started listening to the audio from my Library and I like it a lot. I only have two days till it expires though, and I can't renew. So I may need to finish with my kindle or just put it on hold again.
What it comes down to is... There are just too many books and not enough time! I wish I could read everything! :)
Jen's Picks:
The Queen's Thief series by Megan Whalen Turner - Shae mentions this one frequently and I keep promising I'm going to give it a chance. The first book was on sale recently for Kindle and I picked it up. Now to find the time.
The Lumatere Chronicles by Melina Marchetta - Everyone and their mama has loved these books and insisted that I MUST read them. I have the first book, so I don't know what I'm waiting for...except maybe to procure the other two books so I can read them back-to-back. Though, I have been considering the audiobooks...anyone listened to those? Are they any good?
The Seven Realms series by Cinda Williams Chima - Another one that TONS of people swear by and rec to me often. It's an obvious TBR add considering my love of fantasy.
The Lux series by Jennifer L. Armentrout - More recommendations for this one than I know what to do with, but Danielle assures me that even if I don't love the first book, I should keep reading because it's her least favorite in the series.
Song of the Lioness series by Tamora Pierce - I think this is one of the first books Summer ever listened to on audio, and she LOVED it and went on to recommend it to anyone she knew listened to books on audio, including me. I'm much more likely to get to an audiobook than a physical copy these days.
I've been recommended a ton of books over the years, but these are the standouts and the ones that I'm still hesitant to pick up, for whatever reason. Maybe I'm just afraid I'll be the black sheep and I don't want to disappoint my reading buddies?
We'd love to know what books have been recommended to you time and time again or if you have any MUST READS for us. :) Be sure to share a link to your TTT post so we can visit!
April, I'm in the same boat with you in terms of The Covenant Series. Despite the VA parallels, everyone raves on and on about it but I've just happily continued to put it off LOL
ReplyDeleteThere is soooo totally not enough time to read all the books that need to be read. LE SIGH. My goodreads to-read shelf literally has over 700 books I'd like to read. And I WOULD honestly like to read them all. I'll be 103 by the time I finish them, and then people will have published more and and...and...I need a clone.
I would like to read or watch Game of Thrones. I think I might watch it first, though, rebel me. I know people always say "the book is better", but sometimes I enjoy the book more with the movie kind of playing in my head. Finnikin is AWESOME but slowish at the beginning. Same with Raven Boys really, although, omg, that one. ABSOLUTELY AWESOMENESS THERE.
Here's my TTT!
I love that gif, LOL! This is such a good list. I definitely recommend the Song of the Lioness series! Tamora Pierce is one of my absolute faves.
ReplyDeleteI always love that gif ;) Obsidian is way over hyped in my opinion. It's amusing and entertaining, but there's no real substance. Game of Thrones is HUGE!! It's very long but what I've read of it so far is good. It's quite like the tv show. Great picks!
ReplyDeleteHere's my TTT
Rachel @ A Perfection Called Books
Hahahahaha great gif! I've heard great things about The Lumatere Chronicles and The Seven Realms series. I really enjoyed the Lux series by Jennifer L. Armentrout so I want to try her Covenant series too :)
ReplyDeleteEileen @ BookCatPin
Jellicoe Road is a must read!! I loved it so much. The beginning will make you want to set it down because it's kind of slow, but once you get past those initial pages it'll be so good. (or I hope it will be for you)
ReplyDeleteObsidian is such a fun series, even though I stopped at book two.
ReplyDeleteI wholeheartedly agree with the Lux series recommendations -- my favorite YA series ever!!
ReplyDeleteMy TTT
The Song Of The Lioness series is just fantastic, I definitely recommend it! I adore a vast majority of Tamora Pierce's work, she's a great author. The book Thief is actually my favourite book of all time as well so of all of them, that's the one to read in my opinion!
ReplyDeletehttp://chasedbymyimagination.blogspot.co.uk/2014/08/top-ten-tuesday-my-picks-for-books.html = Check out my TTT!
Katrina @ http://chasedbymyimagination.blogspot.co.uk/
Okay, so many of these books I want to throw at you!
ReplyDeleteJellicoe Road - it changed my life, basically. It's the book that got me into YA in the first place and remains my favorite to this day. I love it so much. Stick with it through the confusing beginning!
The Queen's Thief, Lumatere Chronicles, and Lux are all favorites of mine! Amazing ships, for one (ohhhh the ships <3), and world building in the first two is spectacular! I highly recommend them!
I haven't read the Obsidion series or The Book Thief yet, both that I've been told repeatedly I will love. There really are just only so books a person with a full time job/life can read in a lifetime. That gif is the best ever. It cracks me up every time I see it.