Wednesday, August 22, 2012


"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

This week's WoW selection is...

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Title:  Nobody
Author:  Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Series:  n/a
Publisher:  EgmontUSA
Publication Date:  January 22, 2013

There are people in this world who are Nobody. No one sees them. No one notices them. They live their lives under the radar, forgotten as soon as you turn away.

That’s why they make the perfect assassins.

The Institute finds these people when they’re young and takes them away for training. But an untrained Nobody is a threat to their organization. And threats must be eliminated.

Sixteen-year-old Claire has been invisible her whole life, missed by the Institute’s monitoring. But now they’ve ID’ed her and send seventeen-year-old Nix to remove her. Yet the moment he lays eyes on her, he can’t make the hit. It’s as if Claire and Nix are the only people in the world for each other. And they are—because no one else ever notices them.

Why I'm waiting:  Well, the cover was just revealed, so that always ups the anticpation level for me.  But mostly, it's that word "assassins"...gets me every time.  I loved Barnes' Every Other Day, and though I haven't read her Raised by Wolves series, I've heard great things.  I have the first book on my shelf, but I haven't made it to it yet...hopefully, I'll get to it soon.  Anyway, I'm really excited for this one.  It has the possibility for a series written all over it, but I'm kind of hoping for a stand-alone myself.  Either way, I'll still be picking this one up as soon as it's released.


  1. This is one I can't wait to read as well and that cover is simply gorgeous!!

    My Waiting On Wednesday

  2. The word assassin does it for me as well. Assassin is a sexy word, this book sounds amazing as well. How striking is the eye cover as well! Wow!

    Here's what i'm waiting on

    and check out my awesome YA giveaway Here

  3. Sounds awesome. Great pick. :)

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever

  4. I've never read a Jennifer Lynn Barnes book, but I'm with you, assassins intrigue me -- in fiction, of course!

  5. Oh my GOSH, the cover! AND ASSASSINS! I MUST read this!

    Books of Amber

  6. I have this on my shelf and can't wait to read it!!!! I love her books!

  7. The concept sounds really interesting. I haven't read her Raised by Wolves yet either but I have the first book. Must get to it! Great pick Jen and thanks for visiting The Readers Den. :)

  8. Sounds unique...and tempting. Thanks for sharing.


  9. I love Jennifer Lynn Barnes and this series sounds on par with her other books. Great choice. Thanks for checking out my WoW!

    Also we're doing a giveaway of Maggie Stiefvater's Raven Boys. Entries close on the 26th.


    Anna @ Wandering Librarians

  10. Ooh this seems really interesting.

    thanks for stopping by.

  11. This is the second time I've seen this one today! It looks awesome, I'm really excited to get my hands on it :) Awesome pick!!

    Anna @ Literary Exploration
    My WoW

  12. I also can’t wait to read this one!
    Here is My WOW

  13. I haven't heard of this one yet! It sounds really good.

    Here's My WoW!

    -Kait @ YA Vixens

  14. I've been seeing this a lot lately, it sounds good! :D
    My WoW!

  15. jennifer lyn barnes is an author i've always meant to read but haven't yet. this sounds really good. i'm excited for it as well.

    My WoW


  16. Interesting pick! Adding to my TBR list! Great pick and thanks for sharing! :D

    My WoW post! 

    ~ Maida @ Literary Love Affair

  17. This book sounds really great! This is the first I've heard of it and I'm definitely adding it to my want list! Awesome choice :) Check out my WOW:

    Crystal @ Elegantly Bound Books

  18. The book sounds amazing and I'm about to add it to my to-read list. Great pick!
    Come check out my WOW post.

  19. I haven't read anything by the author before, but I agree - assassins. Gets me every time :P

    My WoW

  20. Oooo... this sounds cool. Assassins, evil organizations... romance. ;) Definitely adding this to the TBR!

  21. Fascinating! :D

  22. Nice pick! I'm not really into assassins and all that fun stuff, but it still looks like a neat book. Thanks for sharing!

  23. I love assassins! Sounds very Femme Nikita! I can't wait! Thanks for stopping by!

  24. Oooooh Jenn I absolutely LOVE this cover!! It sound like a beautiful forbidden love story. And about Assasins! That's so irresistible, I must read it! Thanks for sharing and visiting my WoW! Happy Thursday!;)

  25. So I haven't visited your blog in forever. I feel horrible for that! :( I'm a shit face it's true. I've just been crazy busy this summer. I haven't visited to many blogs for commenting. Hoping as fall starts and things calm down, I'll have more time for lurking.

    Um, I never heard of this, and I loved raised by wolves. I'm adding this to my goodreads asap. :o)

    Hope you and the fam are doing well!


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