Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (Make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

This week's teaser comes from the following book:

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Title:  Outpost
Author:  Ann Aguirre
Series:  Razorland, book 2
Publisher:  Feiwel & Friends
Publication Date:  September 4, 2012
Source:  ARC received from publisher
Purchase:  Amazon | Barnes & Noble

Deuce’s whole world has changed. Down below, she was considered an adult. Now, topside in a town called Salvation, she’s a brat in need of training in the eyes of the townsfolk. She doesn’t fit in with the other girls: Deuce only knows how to fight.

To make matters worse, her Hunter partner, Fade, keeps Deuce at a distance. Her feelings for Fade haven’t changed, but he seems not to want her around anymore. Confused and lonely, she starts looking for a way out.

Deuce signs up to serve in the summer patrols—those who make sure the planters can work the fields without danger. It should be routine, but things have been changing on the surface, just as they did below ground. The Freaks have grown smarter. They’re watching. Waiting. Planning. The monsters don’t intend to let Salvation survive, and it may take a girl like Deuce to turn back the tide.

My teaser:

  "Without waiting for a response, I strode to the door.  Outside, Fade laughed.  "His face...oh, Deuce.  I hope you know what you're doing."
  "Me too," I muttered." -- p. 205 of ARC

Heh...I flipped around in the book a bit and couldn't decide whether I should post a scary teaser -- this is a zombie novel, after all -- or a kissing teaser (who doesn't love those?), but ultimately, I decided on the last lines I read on Sunday night before I went to bed.  Because honestly, I really hope Deuce knows what she's doing, too.  She's an ace with a knife, but when it comes to matters of the heart, she's kind of a novice.  Still, I've grown to love her character in spite of that...or maybe because of it.  =)


  1. Nice teaser! Creepy cover. I still need to read Enclave. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Yeah, I think that creepy cover really depicts the mood of this book, far better than the cover for Enclave. I wasn't really sure going into that one, but with Outpost, I knew it was going to be a bit frightening.

  2. oo adding to TBR list now ~ love me a good zombie novel :)

    Here's mine @ Realms of an Open Mind

    Happy Reading :)

    1. Me, too! I could read nothing but zombie novels, but I know I'd suffer from lack of sleep eventually. :P

  3. Great teaser, looks like the fun is about to happen!!

    Here’s My TT
    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace

    1. Yep, it was nice to see some light-hearted moments throughout such a creepy book.

  4. I have Enclave sitting on my shelf.Guess I'd better get to that before Outpost comes out.
    Thanks for sharing your teaser :)

    Here's my Teaser Tuesday

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I hope you enjoy both books when you get around to them!

  5. I loved Enclave and can't wait for Outpost! Thanks for the great teaser.
    Here's mine @ This Is How It's Supposed To Be

    1. I can't wait to see what you think of Enclave. It left me rather breathless and on the edge of my seat. :) Probably the best reaction to have when reading a zombie novel, though.

  6. Not really into zombies, but this does sound intriguing....and here's MY TUESDAY MEMES POST

    1. Well, zombies aren't for everyone, but I appreciate you stopping by. :)

  7. This book series looks cool. I love the names of the characters - its different and quirky!

    Thanks for the tease!

    My Teaser
    Renae @ Rolling with the Moments

    1. Just wait till you find out HOW they get their names...it's quite interesting!

  8. Great teaser. I'm excited about this book but want to re-read Enclave first. My TT this week is from Keep Holding On.

    1. Yeah, I probably should have re-read Enclave first, too, but I was just too excited to get to this one. :) There's not a ton of rehashing done in the beginning, but little memories and snippets here and there helped me remember key elements from the first book.

  9. I just finished the audio of Enclave not long ago...can't wait to read Outpost!

    My Tuesday Teaser is here.

    1. I listened to the audio, too, though that was probably a little less than a year ago. But having listened recently, you're all set for Outpost. Can't wait to see what you think!

  10. The cover looks creepy. I've rarely read books on zombie before. But Deuce sounds like an interesting character :)


    1. Deuce is great! She starts out as such a warrior and really evolves throughout the second book. I hope you take a chance on these zombie books! :D

  11. What? Zombies? I have not read Enclave and ... hmmm. You know how I feel about zombies.

    1. I know, I know. These zombies would definitely not be your kind of zombies, for sure. But the writing is awesome, so maybe you might like her other series better. I haven't read it yet, but it's definitely on my TBR.

  12. Replies
    1. Unbelievably, there are some who don't. :( I can't get enough of them, though! :0)

  13. Love the cover--especially with that black leathery hand! Good teaser too.
    My teaser is from LIES THAT BIND by Delinda McCann.

  14. This sounds like my kind of book! I LOVE it! And the main character sounds badass! Will have to check it out! Great teaser! :D

    My TT! 

    ~ Maida @ Literary Love Affair

    1. She is totally badass! I hope you do check this series out and that you end up loving it! :D

  15. This sounds like my kind of book! I LOVE it! And the main character sounds badass! Will have to check it out! Great teaser! :D

    My TT! 

    ~ Maida @ Literary Love Affair

  16. Deuce is one of my all time favorite heroines. I love that girl in part because of her awkwardness.
    There are so many good quotes from Outpost to choose from. I can see why you would have a hard time.

    1. I had to restrain myself from posting an excerpt rather than a teaser. :P I finished the book last night, and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since!

  17. I've heard a lot about this series, and need to get my hands on the first one.
    THanks for teaser,
    Brandi from Blkosiner’s Book Blog

    1. I love zombie novels, but this is definitely one of my favorites. Hope you enjoy them when you get a chance to check them out!

  18. Intriguing teaser! Hope you are enjoying it!

    Here's my Teaser!


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