Friday, January 27, 2012


TGIF #24 - Buy or Borrow

Friday, January 27, 2012 with 2 comments

TGIF is hosted by Ginger at GReads!  In this weekly feature, Ginger poses a question to her followers and then asks everyone to link up at the end of the post, sharing their responses.

This Friday's Question:

Buy or Borrow: Where do your books that you read come from? The bookstore? The library? Do you prefer to own a book, or have it on loan?

Well, I live in a rural area right outside of Dallas, and the library in my town is very small.  As in, it's housed in the only high school here in town.  Yeah.  But even before that, it wasn't often that I frequented my local library.

I prefer to own the books I read, whether they be real books or Nook books.  I like to have the opportunity to revisit books any time I choose so owning said books makes that a lot easier.  Also, it's been my dream since I was a little girl to have a library in my house, one with a rolling ladder and wall-to-wall books, so buying books as I read them puts me well on my way to that goal.  I've already had to upgrade my bookshelves twice in the last year (YAY!) and already my husband fears I'm going to run out of room again soon:

(And this isn't even including Katie's books or
Jerrod's...those have been relegated to a separate
shelf on the other side of the office.)

That said, I don't have to own brand new books.  Well-loved books are just as nice.  So, now that Borders is gone, I frequent Half-Price Books, as well as Barnes & Noble.  I'm very lucky to work right down the road from the flagship HPB, so a lot of my older books come from there.  They have a great YA section, as compared to other HPB's I've lived near.  Like, it's dangerous for me to walk in there unsupervised.

Also, I've made some great blogger friends over the last several months, and well, we love to share.  I don't think that's any big secret.  So, I know I can count on my friends to share books that I'm iffy about or to share their advance copies, if they're so willing.  And not much makes me happier than shipping off a box of books to someone else who will love them as much as me.  Sharing is caring, right?

So, where do your books come from?  Are you trying to start your own library, too?


  1. I definitely agree - I don't mind a pre-owned book, as long as it's in good condition! The deals you can get on some pre-owned books are AMAZING.

  2. you read what I send you bitch! lol j/k

    OMG, I'm virtually creaming over your bookshelves. I told brian I would like them in my house as well, and got the stank eye. lol

    :) I have no where near me. I have to drive like 45 min to Barnes.. we used to have borders, but they are gone now. *sniffles*. There is a little used book store the size of my bathroom about 20 min away. I should stop in there, I haven't in a while. maybe I'll find some gems. :)


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