Friday, January 20, 2012


TGIF #23 - Recommend It

Friday, January 20, 2012 with 7 comments

TGIF is hosted by Ginger at GReads!  In this weekly feature, Ginger poses a question to her followers and then asks everyone to link up at the end of the post, sharing their responses.

This Friday's Question:

Recommend It: Which book from the last 10 you've read would you recommend to a friend?

Um, all of them???  Just kidding...sort of.  There were a couple that weren't as good as I'd hoped, but for the most part, I'd still recommend them because what might not be my cup of tea might just be someone else's.

That said, of the last ten books I've read, I'd most heartily recommend the following:

Under the Never SkyThe Goddess Test (Goddess Test, #1)Fracture

Those three were all Photobucket reads for me.  However, I'm behind on my reviews -- shocking, I know -- so I've only posted the review for Fracture to date.  But let me just say that it completely surpassed my expectations, and that alone should make you run out and add it to your TBR list because it doesn't happen often.  The other two I whole-heartedly expected to love, but you should still read them, too.  :D

Do you agree that these are all awesome books?  If not, what would you pick in their place?

Week in Review:

In My Mailbox #14
Review:  Fracture by Megan Miranda
Review:  The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
Uncovered - 1/19/12


  1. I agree that the Goddess test is awesome. as for the other two... only time will tell. :oP

  2. I haven't read any of those yet, but have my eye on Fracture.

  3. I've very very recently got copies of The Goddess Test and Fracture as well! Need to get to them soon, at least Fracture anyway. Under the Never Sky.. I keep seeing it every where but being more of an adult reader I've kind of ignored it. Perhaps I shouldn't. I'll take a look!

    Once Upon A Time

  4. Great picks! I've read UtNS and TGT, and completely agree. Ihaven't started Fracture yet, but have heard it's great.

  5. I recently got copies of Fracture and Under the Never Sky - and I can't wait to finally get the chance to read them. Just a few review books left...

  6. I still need to read The Goddess Test! I've had a copy of that sitting around for what feels like forever! I really want to read the other two super bad!!!

  7. I['m glad you enjoyed Under the Never Sky, it looks super promising!

    My TGIF & FF((:
    -thank you&come again.


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