Friday, January 13, 2012


TGIF #22 - 2012 Must Reads

Friday, January 13, 2012 with 7 comments

TGIF is hosted by Ginger at GReads!  In this weekly feature, Ginger poses a question to her followers and then asks everyone to link up at the end of the post, sharing their responses.

This Friday's Question:

2012 Must Reads: Which books are at the top of your list to be read this year (new or old releases)?

Honestly, every book I want to read this year is a must-read.  There are just soooo many awesome books releasing this's hard to narrow the list down to just a few.  But I managed to do it...sort of.  If you'd like to check out other books that I feel duty-bound to read, see these posts:  2012 DAC and 2012 SRC.  Those are still only a small chunk of the books that must get read this year.  But here are the books that I absolutey must read, or I just won't feel complete:

Rebel Heart (Dust Lands, #2)Insurgent (Divergent, #2)Fever (The Chemical Garden, #2)Pandemonium (Delirium, #2)
Before I Wake (Soul Screamers, #6)City of Lost Souls (The Mortal Instruments, #5)The Golden Lily (Bloodlines, #2)

Okay, so I didn't do very well at narrowing down the list, but you get the general idea.  I'm sure a lot of these are on others' lists, as well, but that just shows how excited we all are for them to be released.  This year is going to make for one awesome year of books.

What about you?  Which books do you just have to read this year???


  1. I can't wait to read my 1st Soul Screamers book this year some time.

  2. I agree with you on most on your list. :) except i'm a total loser, because I have to read divergent first, and bloodlines.. they are tops to read the first half of this year for me.. because I have been meaning to for so darn long.

    In response to your comment on my blog.. I think you should totally try and catch up on some of your older stuff. Maybe try to read at least one of them every 2 months or so.

    I know how you feel though, I see all the shiny new ones coming out and I completely forget about the ones on my shelf. lol. And with me getting my kindle in march, I probably won't catch up on oldies as much as I'd like.. but i'm going to try!

    I will still keep buying more though. I know me. haha! books dont go bad though. they will still be there when I"m ready. when the apocolypse comes and im shut up in my basement dying of starvation.. I'll at least have my books to keep me company. :)

  3. I'm definitely excited for Insurgent as well! I loved Divergent and I can't wait to find out what happens next. :)

  4. I know what you mean about not giving older books as much love - I tend to wait until around July before I start reading anything put out this year.

  5. I am so like you! This week was really hard for me because of all the books I mark as to-read on goodreads everyday, I want to read all of them! Narrowing the list down was hard but you chose some excellent ones. I cannot wait for Insurgent!!!

  6. There are definitely lots of good books coming out this year, I'm excited to read a few on your list, Fever is good by the way!

  7. I won Blood Red Road in a giveaway & I can't wait to read it. Insurgent need to hurry up & cone out & even though I have not read bloodlines yet, I'm excited for The Golden Lily. Im a richelle mead lover<3

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    -thank you&come again.


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