Hey, bookies! I'm participating in the campaign to promote Jessica Brody's new contemporary YA novel A Week of Mondays -- which I absolutely adored, so watch for my review soon! -- and as a special introduction to the campaign, some of us bloggers shared a guest post from Jessica herself last week. Also, in the coming weeks, look for more stops along this tour from bloggers like myself, sharing the Mondays we'd MOST and LEAST want to relive for seven straight days. It promises to be loads of fun! And
And this week is MY turn. ;0)

Author: Jessica Brody
Series: stand-alone
Publisher: Farrar, Straus and Giroux (BYR)
Publication Date: August 2, 2016
Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Noble
Ellie is having the worst Monday of her life. She messes up her school speech for the class vice presidency position, she manages to take the world's worst school picture, she bombs softball tryouts, and the icing on top of this awful cake: her perfect boyfriend who is in a high school rock band dumps her. At the end of the day, Ellie wishes she could redo everything. When she wakes up the next morning, she discovers that it's Monday again! She has six more chances to redo the day in the hopes of having everything go exactly the way she wants. But in the process, she just may find out that what she really wants and what she actually needs are two very different things.
So, I've got vacation on the brain, knowing I get some time off very soon, and it got me to thinking about my most favorite vacation ever...to Florida! We spent a couple of nights in Pensacola, which was gorgeous. Then we went to Orlando and visited Universal Studios for a couple of days and spent one fun-filled day at Disney's Magic Kingdom before heading back home.
But two days at Universal Studios was just not enough time. More accurately, two days at The Wizarding World of Harry Potter was not enough time. I could spend days and days there and still not see and do everything I wanted.
So, the Monday I'd want to repeat for seven days straight would be the Monday when we arrived at Universal Studios and first ventured into Diagon Alley. I could ride the Dragon Challenge as many times as I wanted before I threw up. I could eat chocolate frogs to my heart's content. I could have all the butter beer money can buy! And then I'd get to wake up the next day and do it all again!
The day I come back from vacation, hands down. No one is happy to be back at work the Monday following vacation. All of those emails. Playing catch-up and wishing you could have another vacation to recuperate from the vacation you just came back from. But to have to do that Monday over and over again? Yeah, I'd rather not go on vacation at all, if that's the case. :P
What Monday would you most/least like to relive?
About the author:
Jessica Brody is the author of several popular books for teens, including the Unremembered trilogy, 52 Reasons to Hate My Father, and The Karma Club, as well as two adult novels. She splits her time between California and Colorado.
Find Jessica:
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Happy reading!
I'm excited to read this book, it sounds great! Oh my gosh, your best Monday sounds amazing!! I think a Monday I'd like to relive is being at Disneyland :) I used to have Mondays off from my job and would meet my husband at Disneyland in the summer we started dating. I'd eat all my fave snacks and go on everything a million times, I never get tired of Dland :) Worst Monday is the same as yours, it's so hard to go back to work after vacation or even a three day weekend!