Thursday, May 12, 2011

All the things I found on the internet this week that made me swoon, giggle, or just wish I had a time machine so I could travel to the future.  Enjoy!

TMI Post Card Short Story from Cassandra Clare

Malec kissing scene from Cassandra Clare for reaching 30k followers on Twitter

Arriane’s Day Out extra from Passion by Lauren Kate

Vanish Giveaway from Good Choice Reading

Die for Me by Amy Plum trailer:

Last but not least, the official casting for the tributes of The Hunger Games.  Additionally, Elizabeth Banks has been cast as Effie Trinket, Stanley Tucci has been cast as Caesar Flickerman, and Woody Harrelson has been cast as Haymitch Abernathy.  So excited for this book to be brought to the big screen!!!


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