Thursday, July 7, 2011


In My Mailbox #5

Thursday, July 7, 2011 with No comments
In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren.

At this rate, my husband is going to have to add yet another shelf for me!

Reason #1 that my husband should never offer to take me to the flagship Half Price Books here in Dallas:  I end up with a stack of books that make my arms hurt by the time we get to the register.  Reason #2:  so does my daughter.  :)

Behold the titles I picked up over the long weekend:

The City of Ember by Jeanne DuPrau
Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta <--- I have heard the most awesome things about this author!!!
Revolution by Jennifer Donnelly (this was an ARC, which I thought was weird but also cool)
Incarceron & Sapphique by Catherine Fisher

On top of that, I had to pick up Original Sin for my Nook on Tuesday when it came out cause I was in the mood for some teenage smuttiness...I needed a light, fun read with all that's been going on lately in my personal life. 

Oh, and I can't believe I haven't mentioned this earlier, but if you haven't been downloading the free audiobooks from SYNC weekly this summer, you should definitely look into it.  I listen to them while I'm at work or in the car, and they really help pass the time.  It took me a minute to get used to listening to a book instead of music while working, but I don't find it distracting, and hey, it's helping me work on that crazy big TBR list I've got going!

On that note, Audible is also doing a promo, where when you register for the service, you get two free  audiobooks.  Since I picked up the free audiobook of Shiver through SYNC, I used one of my free credits at Audible on Linger so I can be prepared for Forever's release next week.  (Have you pre-ordered your Maggie-doodled copy yet?)

So, all together, here's my haul for the week:
The City of Ember (Books of Ember, #1)Jellicoe RoadRevolutionIncarceron (Incarceron, #1)Sapphique (Incarceron, #2)Original Sin (Personal Demons, #2)Shiver (The Wolves of Mercy Falls, #1)Linger (The Wolves of Mercy Falls, #2)

Oh, I almost forgot!  I also received signed bookmarks and a postcard from Kiki Hamilton, author of The Faerie Ring, and a signed bookmark for Daimon, the prequel to Half-Blood, by Jennifer L. Armentrout, courtesy of Mickey at I'm a Book Shark.  (And that reminds me, I need to download that for my Nook, STAT!)


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