Sophie Bloom’s junior year has been a bit of a train wreck. After the world’s greatest kiss re-awakened Sophie’s true identity as Persephone (Goddess of Spring and Savior of Humanity), she fought her dragon-lady guidance counselor to the death, navigated mean girl Bethany’s bitchy troublemaking, and dealt with the betrayal of her backstabbing ex, Kai (sexy Prince of Darkness). You’d think a girl could catch a break.
Yeah, right.
With Zeus stepping things up, it’s vital that Sophie retrieve Persephone’s memories and discover the location of the ritual to stop Zeus and Hades. So when Aphrodite strikes a deal that can unlock Sophie’s pre-mortal past, what choice does the teen goddess have but to accept?
The mission: stop media mogul Hermes from turning Bethany into a global mega-celebrity. The catch? Aphrodite partners Sophie and Kai to work together … and treat this suicide mission as a date. Which could work out for Sophie’s plan to force Kai to admit his feelings for her–if she doesn’t kill him first.
Add to that the fact that BFF Theo’s love life and other BFF Hannah’s actual life are in Sophie’s hands, and suddenly being a teenager—even a godlike one—seems a bit like … well, hell. Whatever happened to dinner and a movie?
The YA romantic comedy/Greek mythology fireworks continue to fly in My Date From Hell. Love meets comedy with a whole lot of sass in book two of this teen fantasy romance series. Breaking up is easy; dating is deadly.

pointed her gun at me again, kind of casually. “Your problem is you’re too hung
up on the past. You gotta move forward with yer life.”
I heard
Hannah give a smothered laugh.
“You got
this cutie pie in love with ya, and instead of enjoying his company, all you do
is whine.” With a quick flick, Aphrodite opened the cylinder to reload.
“He’s not
in love,” I said.
She peered
at Kai. “Whattya talkin’ about? Sure he is. Everyone knows Kyrillos
loves Persephone.”
“I’m Sophie,” I ground out.
She waved
the gun around. “Ya ya. That too.”
That too?
I took a deep breath, folded my fingers over my palms and looked slightly to the
left of her in case I accidentally started blasting. Didn’t want to go down in history
as the girl who killed the Goddess of Love.
“Nope. It’s
just desire,” I said with faked calm. “Kai is so resistant to the idea of being
in love with me that your arrows don’t work. Besides which, when he actually does
fall so hard for me that he doesn’t know which way is up, I want him to know he
chose that of his own free will. That he chose me.” I threw him a sweet smile.
“Chose you?”
Kai got this look of “have we had this conversation before?” on his face. My smile
got tight.
scooped up a saclike pink purse laying on the ground. She rooted around in
it. “Desire is part of romantic love, silly,” she said to me.
She pulled
out a handful of bullets and dumped them in Festos’ hurriedly outstretched hands
before turning back to Kai. She gestured with the still-open chambered revolver
toward him. “Your body knows what’s what. Stop fighting it.”
Kai glowered
at her.
She laughed
it off, reloading. “And you,” Aphrodite said to me, as she plucked more bullets
from Festos’ hand to load into the chamber. “Yer just as bad with your own issues.”
She couldn’t
know about my insecurities around Persephone could she? Aphrodite narrowed her eyes
at me.
I gulped.
shot me a look of disgust and popped the final bullets into the chambers. She gestured
at each of us in turn with one pink, sparkly manicured finger. “I’m gonna start
gettin’ real mad about how youse is all dealin’ with love.”
a whole bunch of drags around here where love is concerned,” Festos agreed.
so much for inviting him along,” Theo said to me.
I grimaced
an apology at Theo, then shot back at Festos, “Seems there’s a whole bunch of dogs
here, too.” I looked between him and Kai.
“Oh don’t
forget Pierce,” Festos replied cheerfully. “He’s a total mimbo.” “He is not,” Hannah
defended. “He’s pure love.”
threw her a fond smile. “I like you, girlie.” “Love in name, hormones in game,”
Theo countered. “Look at us all in agreement,” Festos replied.
“No, because
you’re talking about lust,” I protested.
“Lust is
pretty good too,” Aphrodite said, “but it ain’t nothin’ like the real thing.” She
clicked the cylinder into place and looked at me. “We got a deal? You’ll get Jack
to kill the campaign?”
undo the love thing?” I asked.
“Nope. You
could do with a little love in your life. Kyrillos is obviously brimming with love
for ya now,” she ignored Kai’s snort, “so you’re gonna enjoy it.”
what?” I asked.
“A date,”
Kai piped up. “I’d say I’m ready now.” He arched an eyebrow as if to say “ball’s
in your court.”
“I think
it’s a great idea,” I slid my arm around his waist and pressed myself up against
his side.
A look of
surprise flashed across his face. “Perfect.”
I could
outdate him any place, any time. I brightened. This was going to be fun. The touching
part wasn’t a downside either.
“The fate
of the world does dee-pend on you loving each other,” Aphrodite said. “So, good.
We’ll start with a date.”
“Still say
it’s a euphemism,” Festos burst out. “And Kai doesn’t date.”
Kai snaked
his arm around my waist before pressing his fingertips into my hip. “Never wanted
to before. Sophie’s the exception.”
“The euphemistic
exception?” Festos asked. “Shut up,” Kai and I fired at him in tandem.
Festos took
it in stride, waggling his eyebrows cheerfully at Theo who pretended to look disapproving
but totally wasn’t. Even Hannah didn’t bother to hide her smile.
“Only thing
is,” I told Aphrodite, “I have to be back at school by Sunday morning. I have a
meeting I can’t miss. So I’ll have to get this thing with Jack done quickly to have
time for the date.”
“Going together
to find Hermes is the date.” Aphrodite looked at me like I was an idiot.
“You two need as much together time as possible.”
No way.
I needed all my wits about me to handle Kai. Something that couldn’t happen if I
had to track down Hermes at the same time. I tried a new tactic. “A date involves
dinner and a movie. Something romantic. Finding Hermes hardly counts.”
She pinned
me in her gaze. “Had so miny of them, Miz Expert? All a date is, is two people spendin’
time to deepen their attraction.”
“Or kill
it,” Hannah piped up.
scrunched up her nose. “Huh?”
“There are
far more first dates than second,” Hannah explained. “Which means that after spending
time, those people realized they were not a match.”
“What she
said,” I seconded.
narrowed her eyes at Hannah. “I don’t get ya. You talk like that but you’re so brim
up with love.”
“I’m a confounding
enigma,” Hannah replied cheerfully.
threw her hands up. “Enough’a this nonsense. You’ll go together to find Hermes.
And you’ll be date-like doin’ it.”
That sounded
like a threat.
like you planned it that way,” I said to Kai.
His smile
grew wider as he gave my waist a squeeze. “Told you I get what I want. Feel
free to let that sink in.”
Tellulah Darling
1. YA romantic comedy author because her first kiss sucked and she's compensating.
2. Alter ego of former screenwriter.
3. Sassy minx.
Geeks out over: cool tech.
Squees for: great storytelling.
Delights in: fabulous conversation.
Writes about: where love meets comedy. Awkwardness ensues.
Sassy girls. Swoony boys. What could go wrong?
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Saturday, November 30, 2013
In My Mailbox #110
I hope you all had a lovely week and a Happy Thanksgiving for all those who celebrated! I caught up on all of my shows last weekend, and the hubby's at the deer lease again this weekend, so I'm hoping to catch up on some reading and reviewing while he's gone. Assuming Katiebug will let me. She's been über cuddly lately, and I have a hard time saying no to her. =)
Here's what I scored this week:
For Review:
Thank you, Random House & Macmillan!!!
Enders by Lissa Price - Gah, I feel like I've been waiting on this book forever! I finally have it and I can't wait to get started on it, though I might need to check out the audio of Starters as a refresher. It has been awhile.
The Lovely and the Lost by Page Morgan - Eeek! I just featured this as my WoW recently, and now the precious is MINE! Another beautiful cover, more gargoyles...what more could you ask for?!?
She is Not Invisible by Marcus Sedgwick - This will be my first book by this author, but I've heard amazing things, so I'm really excited about picking this up. I love that cover and the premise just sounds so damn different.
The Thief by Megan Whalen Turner - This was a Kindle Daily Deal earlier this week. Practically everyone I know loves MWT, but I've never read any of her work, so I thought what better time to try it out.
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum - This movie is a beloved favorite in our house, but I've never actually read the book. Audible was offering the audio up for free as a Thanksgiving gift for members, though, so I think it's finally time. Also, Anne Hathaway is the narrator. Should be a good one. :)
My Ex From Hell & My Date From Hell by Tellulah Darling - My friends Em & Jenn from Book Jems rave about this author, and since My Date From Hell is currently on sale for Kindle for $0.99, I couldn't pass it up. And since I haven't read the first book, I had to pick it up, too...for only $3.99. :) I loved the excerpt from MDFH, so I'm sure I'm going to love this book tons, just like the Jems girls.
So, that's my haul. How about you? What did you get this week?
Promotional/Discussion Posts: Top Ten Bookish Things I'm Thankful For, Being Thankful on Thanksgiving
Jen's Currently Reading/Listening To:
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{Promo} My Date From Hell by Tellulah Darling: Excerpt + Giveaway
Genre: Young Adult
Series: The Blooming Goddess Trilogy, #2
“I’m Sophie,” I ground out.
Friday, November 29, 2013
Review: The Promise of Amazing by Robin Constantine
Author: Robin Constantine
Series: n/a
Publisher: Balzer + Bray
Publication Date: December 31, 2013
Source: received from publisher via Edelweiss
Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Noble
With such an adorable cover and a too-cute premise like that, I had really high hopes that this book would be equally as delightful. But perhaps my expectations were a bit too high because although this book was ridiculously cute in theory, it never truly resonated with me. Don't get me wrong...it has its moments, but it also had many more moments that left me wanting to pull my hair out.
You know when you're watching a movie or reading a story and you already know where it's going and you're just cringing and cringing, hoping that what you think is about to happen never comes to fruition because, gawd, is it going to be awkward? I think that sums up this book in a nutshell. I was so unbelievably excited to read this book when I first discovered its existence because it just sounded so freaking adorable. Alas, it was not meant to be. I didn't have the same inability to finish the novel that some of my friends did, but it was definitely a chore at times to continue reading.
First of all, the characters are one of the most important aspects of a story for me. And I just could not connect with Wren or Grayson on any level. I really wanted to because the story of an ordinary girl changing a bad boy for the better is one I usually tend to enjoy. But usually in those stories, the bad boy is at least somewhat repentant of his past misdeeds.
Grayson only seems to feel bad because he got caught. And the term paper thing isn't the worst of his wrong-doings. As an outsider looking in, I could see the appeal of Grayson's character: he's charming, attractive, and he wears that jacket with the elbow patches. (Or am I the only one who thinks those are hot?) But as I got to know him, both through Wren and from his own point-of-view, I found him to be a total asshat. None of his actions really implied that he was attempting to atone for his past mistakes, and even at the end of the story, it didn't appear that he ever would.
Wren, on the other hand, was just so unbelievably naïve. Which was actually rather odd to me, considering that her character is the epitome of ordinary and she's not wholly inexperienced. She's not your typical virginal protagonist and she's not the most popular girl in school. Wren is completely average, which should endear her to readers because who among us hasn't felt that way, but because her siblings are anything but average themselves, she whines about not being special for a good chunk of the book. I think that's part of the reason she ignores things about Grayson's character that should throw up red flags or lets things go with minimal argument: she feels undeserving of his attention. I really hated that about her character; I would have rather seen her react with elation that a hot guy was attracted to her than witness her perpetual feelings of inadequacy.
The story started out strong enough, and I think that if it had only been told from Wren's perspective, whiny as it was, I probably would have enjoyed it a lot more. That's partly because I would have mostly been out of the loop for "Operation Amsterdam" which had fail written all over it. Also, I don't think the insta-love factor would have felt so all-encompassing if not for Grayson's perspective on it. He's a player, he chokes on a cocktail weenie, Wren saves him, and he's besotted for the rest of the story. Like, turn-on-his-friends-obsessed with Wren. At least Wren had the good sense to question things, even if that didn't last long.
I don't know...the story was cute but it felt wrong in so many ways. I don't necessarily think that young adult novels need to be some moral guidepost or show what real love looks like because that's all open to interpretation. But even if the characters make bad decisions on their path to each other, I still feel as if I should like them, even if I can't relate to them. I didn't hate the book. I was just hoping that it would fulfill it's "promise of amazing", and for me, it didn't. It was just run-of-the-mill cute, unfortunately. The Promise of Amazing was a quick, mildly entertaining read, and I'm sure many others will find it more enjoyable than I did.
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
I'm so thankful and feel so lucky to be at the place that I am in my life, and although I already shared my bookish thanks with you guys on Tuesday, I wanted to share a little bit more today. So, here's a bit more that I'm thankful for:
-- My husband and daughter. Jerrod is my rock and he puts up with me when not many could, and I'm so grateful that he came into my life. And without him, I wouldn't have the most precious person in my life: Katiebug. We waited until the birth to find out the sex of the baby, totally thinking we were having a boy, and she's been surprising us ever since.
-- My extended family. We may be few in number but we make up for it in heart. We don't always get to be together for the holidays, but I'm so glad that this year, we're making it happen.
-- My job. I probably complain about my job more than I should, but I do work for a pretty great company, and my boss is the best I've ever worked for. I've worked some pretty crappy jobs in the past, and I know I have it good where I'm at now.
-- My life. Every day that I wake up is another blessing. My little family may not be glamorous or have an abundance of riches, but we have a nice life together, full of good friends and family, and we know just how fortunate we are.
I'm thankful for so much, but that covers the tip of the iceberg, anyway. :) Another thing I'm thankful for? That my kid is just as big of a Potterhead as I am. Check out the turkey in disguise we made for her kindergarten class's display this year:
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Waiting on Wednesday: Maybe Someday & Breakable {i.e. the New Adult edition}
"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.
This week's WoW selection is...
Author: Colleen Hoover
Series: n/a
Publisher: Atria Books
Publication Date: March 18, 2014
I've only read Hoover's HOPELESS series, but I've enjoyed each book in that series better than the one before it, so I'm fully expecting to love this one. I hate cheaters and back-stabbing best friends, and I'll be rooting for those two to get their comeuppance. Also, I can't for some serious chemistry between Ridge and Sydney. :D
Author: Tammara Webber
Series: companion to Easy
Publisher: Penguin
Publication Date: May 6, 2014
Now that you know what I'm dying to read, what are you waiting on this week? Feel free to share it in the comments or leave a link so I can stop by!
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Top Ten Tuesday: Things I'm Thankful For -- The Bookish Edition
Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the awesome ladies at The Broke and the Bookish. Apparently, they are overly fond of list-making and love to share their bookish lists with the rest of us book nerds. =) I'm game.
2. A daughter who loves to read almost as much as I do.
3. Bookish friends to share the ups and downs of the reading experience with.
4. A job to support my reading addiction.
5. Audiobooks -- I'd never get through my TBR if not for these!
7. Having hundreds of books at my fingertips via my Kindle.
9. Book signings so that I can meet those wonderful authors!
10. Publishers, Netgalley & Edelweiss...I love reading books in advance of publication!
Pretty much, I'm just thankful to be able to read, period. =) I'll post my non-bookish list on Thursday in celebration of Thanksgiving. But in case you're not going to be around because you're too busy with family and friends, Happy Thanksgiving to all of you in the states!
Teaser Tuesday #85: Defy by Sara B. Larson
• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (Make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
Author: Sara B. Larson
Series: Defy, book #1
Publisher: Scholastic Press
Publication Date: January 7, 2014
Source: received from publisher via Netgalley
Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Noble
My teaser:
Uh oh! That sounds menacing! I haven't gotten as far as I'd have liked with this one yet due to preparations for the upcoming holiday -- which is to say, I've been cleaning my house like a mad woman because company's coming -- so I don't know who says this yet, but I can't wait to find out! =)
What are you teasing this week? Share it in the comments or leave a link so I can visit!
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