Saturday, August 3, 2013

In My Mailbox #93

In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren.  It's a weekly meme where we all get to brag about the books and swag we got in the mail, for review, won in contests, etc.

It's August.  HO-LY CRAP.  It's August!  Where did this summer go?!? I think it's time to start playing the lottery. This working all the time thing is cutting into my having fun time. =) I seriously worked all summer. I don't even think we took our summer road trip down to Austin. To be fair, the husband was working six days a week, so there wasn't really any time to go anywhere.  What are you gonna do, right?

For Review:

The Naturals

click on covers to be taken to the Goodreads page for each book

The Naturals by Jennifer Lynn Barnes - Love JLB, and not just 'cause we have similar names. :)  The summary for this one sounds great!

Look at me...only requesting one review book this week.  And that was only 'cause someone mentioned it was up on NG.  ;0)


Fire (Graceling Realm, #2)

click on cover to be taken to the Goodreads page for each book

One review book and one audiobook.  I think I am doing very well, if I do say so myself.  I haven't bought a physical book in over a month.  Never thought I'd say that!

So, that's my haul.  How about you?  What did you get this week?

The Week in Review:


Movie Review:  Stardust, plus a teaser trailer for the Veronica Mars movie!

Current Giveaways:  the Summer Road Trip Giveaway Hop hosted by yours truly starts Monday (but my post will be up tomorrow night!)

Promotional/Discussion Posts:  SYNC's 2013 Week 10 offerings are up for download, with Death Cloud and The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes up for grabs this week -- FOR FREE! The Liberator Blog Tour hosted by YA Bound Book Tours has kicked off.  And I helped reveal the cover for Blind Study, a friend of a friend's YA debut!  Also, I teased Love in the Time of Global Warming, which Katie also told us her thoughts on, and I'm waiting on Enders this week.

Jen's Currently Reading/Listening To:

Sanctum (Guards of the Shadowlands, #1)The Beginning of EverythingThis book is just what I was hoping it would be:  funny, sarcastic, witty, and real.  I kind of miss the old cover and title, but these work well with the story, too.

Re-listening to this one so that I can get to my ARC of Fractured.  This is one series where I don't want to forget a single detail.

The Week Ahead:

Reviews:   Shadows, Love in the Time of Global Warming & The Beginning of Everything

And I shall be griping some more about my reading pile on this week's Symposium.

Starts soon!!!
Summer Giveaway Blog Hops

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Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!!


  1. I am excited about The Naturals.... and yes where did the summer go.

  2. Nice. Happy reading :)


  3. I'm so excited to start The Beginning of Everything soon!! Nice relaxing haul this week! ;)

  4. You are doing very well. I'm very curious about The Beginning of Everything. Enjoy!

  5. Beware, below is squealing about a certain book and I do not want to influence any expectations:

    YAYAYAYAYYAYAYAYAYAYA! You got The Naturals! I read it a few months ago and LOVED it. Don't know anyone who has read it though so you NEED to tweet me when you've finished, even if you hated it.

  6. I want to read The Naturals! I hope it's wonderful. This summer went by way too fast. I can't believe it's August.

    My Friends Are Fiction's SS

  7. I didn't really do anything fun this summer either... just readreadread and blogblogblog. It's my last summer before I go to college... I'm being as lazy as possible. I don't really care about vacationing out of country or anything... just being lazy. And NOT spending money lol. My school is $63k/year.

    Anyway! I have never read any of JLB's books! And I don't know if you've read/listened to Fire yet, but it's seriously my all-time favorite book. EVER. Hope you love it (if you haven't read it yet)!

    Check out my STS post!
