Saturday, June 22, 2013


In My Mailbox #87

Saturday, June 22, 2013 with 9 comments

In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren.  It's a weekly meme where we all get to brag about the books and swag we got in the mail, for review, won in contests, etc.

First things first...a happy summer to you all!  It's a time for family and friends and fun and just general goofing off.  And we here at The Starry-Eyed Revue are no exception.  We take this blogging thing seriously -- sometimes too seriously -- but it's summer now and we need a break, too.  We'll discuss this further on The Sunday Symposium this week, but we wanted to let you know that if you see us around a little less often, we're just taking a little time for ourselves and we'll be back full time before you know it.  =)

For Review:

Fractured (Guards of the Shadowlands, #2)The Infinite Moment of UsThe Moon and MoreTarnish

click on covers to be taken to the Goodreads page for each book

Fractured by Sarah Fine - I have this.  It is mine.  I am dying!  And I must hurry and read Captive and Malachi's journal on Tumblr.  Because I must read this NOW!  Thanks Amazon Children's for the ARC!!!

The Infinite Moment of Us by Lauren Myracle - LOVE that cover.  Loved the other one, too, but this one is even more lovely.  And the story just sounds gorgeous.  Can't wait!  Thanks Amulet & Netgalley!

The Moon and More by Sarah Dessen - I haven't read all that many Sarah Dessen books, but I am definitely a fan of what I have read.  I'm almost done with this audiobook already, and it's making me want to go back and read Along for the Ride.  Thanks to Penguin Audio & Audiobook Jukebox!

Tarnish by Katherine Longshore - The first book in this series was interesting.  I'm fascinated by this time period.  Wasn't sure if I'd continue the series after Gilt but when I saw it up for review, I took a chance that I'd get into this second book a little more.  Thanks to Penguin Audio & Audiobook Jukebox!


Our mom is ruheally crafty.  She made the awesome bookshelf necklace pictured above after seeing Jen pin something similar on Pinterest.  Isn't it adorable?  The books slide out and are made with real pieces of paper and everything!  She also made the tote bags featured in our 2nd Blogiversary Bash giveaways:

We're trying to talk her into starting her own Etsy store, but she doesn't seem to think there'd be much interest. But us bookish peeps like our kitschy book wares, don't we?  =)

So, that's our haul.  How about you?  What did you get this week?

The Week in Review:


Current Giveaways: June is Audiobook Month giveaway

Promotional/Discussion Posts:  SYNC's 2013 Week 4 offerings are up for download, with Once and Letter from Birmingham Jail up for grabs this week -- FOR FREE!  The Death, Dickinson, and the Demented Life of Frenchie Garcia tour stopped by this week, too.

Jen's Currently Reading/Listening:

The Moon and MoreIndelible (The Twixt, #1)I love Ink!  And I kind of love stories where a character has to be taught how to feel and emote.  Second one in a row that I've read and really enjoyed.  This book isn't at all what I was expecting, but it's really fun.

This audiobook is great!  So good, in fact, that I'll probably be adding the hardcover to my collection because it's another Sarah Dessen deserving of many re-reads.  :)

Mendy's Currently Reading/Listening:

45 Pounds (More or Less)

I'm trying to get healthier and fit myself, so this book is right up my alley!

The Week Ahead:

Reviews:  (mini-?)reviews of Bittersweet (audio) & If I Should Die (audio); Mendy may finally get around to reviewing My Life Next Door; The Moon and More (audio) & Indelible

June is Audiobook Month Giveaway
And we're celebrating with a giveaway! Click image & enter to win!

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Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!!


  1. I'm also looking forward to read The Infinite Moment of Us! The cover is also so pretty. And that necklace was super cute!!
    Hope you'll enjoy all of your haul!

    Check out my STS too!

    Neysa Kristanti @ [B.O.O.K.L.I.F.E]

  2. Happy Summer! Yes we all need to take some time for friends and family and sunshine! The Infinite Moment of Us sounds super cute and romantic. I still have yet to red a Sarah Dessen book yet but hope to soon! And that book necklace is super adorable!

    My Stack

  3. Very curious about Tarnish...can't wait to see what you think. I love the tiny books! Ahhh! Like Jennifer, I've not ever read a Sarah Dessen book. I imagine I will at some point. Great haul and happy reading.

  4. SO jealous of The Infinite Moment of US and 45 LBS! great haul enjoy your reads.

  5. Nice haul of books, seeing The Infinite Moment of Us everywhere so might have to add it to the list! Tell you mom she should definitely open an Etsy shop - I for one am always on the lookout for bookish bits, bobs & bags and I'm sure lots of other people are too :)

    My Haul!

  6. I love the necklace!! You could even write stuff in the pages and share "books" between friends.

  7. Oh god, Sanctum already has the third book coming out?! I still haven't read the first one >.< I remember your awesome review though!
    And that necklace your mum made is AMAZING!! Such attention to detail! I'm always really impressed by people who can make things like that :) I don't have the skill or patience myself...
    Enjoy your new books and the summer! I'm curious about what you think of Indelible, too! Thanks for stopping by :)

    1. Actually, Captive is just a novella, so Fractured is only the second book in the series. And you totally need to read Sanctum. YOU WILL LOVE MALACHI. :D

      I'm not really crafty either. I tried for awhile but gave up and left that to my mom. ;)

      Hoping to have my review of Indelible up later this week, but suffice it to say, I really liked it. It was, I think, a bit lighter than I was expecting, but even so, it was pretty cute. I'd definitely recommend it if you like stories revolving around magic.


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