Saturday, October 22, 2016

{The Weekend Update} 10.22.16

So, since my end-of-the-week post isn't just about what I got in my mailbox or on my Kindle each week -- though that is a big part of it, I won't lie -- I decided to change up the title and intro a bit.  I might tweak the format a bit over time, but for the most part, it'll contain the same stuff: stuff I got, stuff I did, and stuff that's coming up on the blog.  Plus, I get to use the awesome GIF you see here and blow kisses to all the people who sent me lovely books and bookish things.  Oh, and I've started linking up to Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer since I'm not using a specific meme title anymore.
I missed posting a Weekend Update last week and kinda fell off blogging altogether this week, so today's post will be a catch up...not that there's all that much to catch up on, lol.

Anyway, here's what I scored this week...


I received my first-ever Owlcrate this week! I've already read the book and LOVED it. I'll share my unboxing next week, just to avoid spoilers for those who haven't gotten their boxes yet. :D


RookThe Problem with ForeverI Woke Up Dead at the MallWax

Rook was a phenomenal re-read via audio. Highly recommend. The Problem with Forever was subpar, even for JLA. I Woke Up Dead at the Mall was less adorable and more touchy-feely than I was expecting, but I enjoyed it. And I'm going to read Wax as one of my spooky reads closer to Halloween. :D

So, that's my haul. =) What fabulous bookmail did you get this week?

The Week in Review:


Current Giveaways:

Check back soon!

Promotional/Discussion Posts:

Currently Reading:

Blood and Salt (Blood and Salt, #1)I'm trying to get my scary read on, can you tell? :P My #otspsecretsister got this for me last Halloween and I didn't get to it in time, so now it's on this year's spooky reads TBR. :D Corn fields be creepy, yo...

Currently Listening:

The Coldest Girl in ColdtownI don't even know what re-read/listen I'm on this time, but it's a must for me this time of year. Or whenever I can't find anything new to listen to, lol. It's just that good. Plus, that kiss...OMG!!!

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  1. I like seeing what people get in their owlcrates. The packaging looks really nice.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  2. Pity there aren't similar things to Owlcrate for those not living in North America...a zombie one would be very nice!

  3. Yep. A zombie Owlcrate would be awesome. That kiss! Oh my:) LOL

    My Sunday Post

  4. I really enjoyed Wax. Hope you do as well. I have a copy of Rook to read on my TBR, need to get to that. I didn't think I wanted to read that JLA book, you've just kind of convinced me I was right. Hope you have a great week!
    Check out my Sunday Post
