Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Will Probably Never Read

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the awesome ladies at The Broke and the Bookish. Apparently, they are overly fond of list-making and love to share their bookish lists with the rest of us book nerds.  =) We're game.

This week's topic is the Ten Books I Will Probably Never Read:

April's Picks:

April's taking the week off because she's at DisneyWorld!!! =)

Jen's Picks:

In all of my honors and AP classes, The Great Gatsby was never prescribed as required reading, and when I was reading for leisure, it was usually Jane Austen I was picking up. I've seen the movie, and that's enough for me. =) The same is kind of true for Frankenstein, though I've read quite a few retellings that I've enjoyed...enough that I don't feel it necessary to read the original. I read the first books in both the House of Night and the Sookie Stackhouse series and was bitterly disappointed with both, so I won't be reading further in either of those. The Time Traveler's Wife just seems way sadder than I'll ever be in the mood for. I'll never read No One Else Can Have You or Beautiful Disaster because of bad author behavior, even though I was very excited for that Kathleen Hale novel prior to all of that. :( I've tried listening to the audio for Beautiful Creatures quite a few times, but I can't get through more than the first 25% before I'm bored to tears. Someone ruined the ending of Bloodrose for me before I got a chance to read it, so now I don't have to, I guess. o_O And I made it to the third book in the Paranormalcy series before I just couldn't take the bleeps anymore.

What books do you think you'll probably never read? Be sure to share a link to your TTT post so we can visit!


  1. The Time Traveler's Wife was not near as sad as I thought it would be. In fact it's actually a really sweet contemporary :) I have to agree with Beautiful Disaster. I didn't add it to my list because honestly I forgot about it, but I've never had the desire to read about an abusive relationship.

  2. Beautiful Disaster and Frankenstein are both books that I really enjoyed, and I like The Great Gastby well enough. I agree with you on No One Else Can Have you, and I tried to read Beautiful Creatures but it was so, so boring. Maybe I'll try again eventually but I'm in no rush.

    1. I saw the 'Beautiful Creatures' movie first, and it made me want to read the book. I'm glad I read it. The book is much better - and I actually liked the movie.

  3. It's a shame you don't think you'll ever read Frankenstein, it's one of my favourites, but if we all liked the same thing then the book blogging world would be a very boring place. :) I don't think I'm ever going to read Beautiful Creatures either, as much as I love witches, and unfortunately I have read The Great Gatsby and I loathed it. -_- Great list!

  4. Great list. The few I have read, I didn't love. Except Frankenstein. Frankenstein is one of my favorite books I was forced to read in school. But I really should have added the rest of the Beautiful Creatures series because I did not enjoy the first book at all.
    Cassi @ My Thoughts Literally

  5. OH! I totally forgot to add No One Else Can Have You, but then again...if I did would I have a visitor at my doorstep? I couldn't finish the House of Night series either. Interesting list.

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minions

    My TTT

  6. I read Frankenstein in school and I really couldn't stand it, such a messed up book! I begun the Sookie Stackhouse books but they changed all the covers and I'm a bit fussy, not only that I was exposed to a spoiler that ruined the whole series for me- oops!

    Interesting selection! Hope you're having a great day! Here's my TTT if you would like to check it out :-)

  7. HA! Your reason is the same as mine for why I wont read Bloodrose!

  8. Ha. No One Else Can Have You is a disaster. Lol.

  9. Too bad about Gatsby, because F. Scott Fitzgerald is a genuinely beautiful writer.
