Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: The Do's and Don'ts of Romance

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the awesome ladies at The Broke and the Bookish. Apparently, they are overly fond of list-making and love to share their bookish lists with the rest of us book nerds.  =) We're game.

This week's topic is the Top Ten Things I Like/Dislike When It Comes To Romances In Books (can do a full list or split it up in likes/dislikes or even things you want to see MORE of in romances in fiction):


What are your pet peeves or favorite things ever when it comes to romance in books? Be sure to share a link to your TTT post so we can visit!


  1. Pet names! i hate that, i cringe whenever i read those. Especially the dumb ones, "sweet cheeks", you're really gonna answer to that!

    Accents, Yes Yes yes yes yesyesyesyes :]

    My TTT :]

  2. Accents. *Swoooon* I don't mind certain pet names, to be honest. As long as it's not honey-poo, or buttercup. I mean, seriously.

  3. Per names are so cringe worthy, I mean seriously why? And misunderstands that could be overcome so easily if they would just talk drive me nuts.

  4. Misunderstandings are the worst! And you're right, love triangles are very hit-or-miss (mostly miss). But I also love love interests with accents, swoon buildup (!!!!) and friends-to-something-moooore. Great list :)

  5. Ooh, accents! Definitely love those. Can't even justify it either, it's just "one of those things" for me. :)

  6. I feel like a lot of everyone's dislikes are the same, or variations of the same thing! Hmm, maybe authors should take note! :-)

    S.Huston @ Head In The Clouds

  7. I agree with most of these: redeemable bad boy and slow build up...love.
    I also really hate when the love interest becomes the main character's whole world.
    Check out my Top Ten Tuesday!

  8. This is such a GOOD list! I agree with just about everything in both lists!!! Slow build-ups are the best! :)

  9. Uber-possessivess and lack of communication leading to angst and drama are two of my pet peeves!

  10. ACCENTS! Oh yes yes yes!

    Oh, I totally get you on the whole "misunderstanding" thing - that gets so very annoying.

  11. Nice choices1 I love it when it is the good guy who doesn't finish last, especially when there is a slow burning romance involved. Those are the best. Aside from that I also really don't like insta love, or when the romance takes over the whole plot. I am someone who doesn't mind and can even like a love triangle, but only if it is executed well.
