Sunday, February 8, 2015

Stacking The Shelves # 53

Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews and is a way to share with everyone all the goodies you've received through out the week. 

Just click the covers to be taken to their goodreads pages. 


Maybe notThe Selection

I grabbed these two from Audible this week. Maybe Not, I figured would be a nice quick listen that I can pair up with Finding Cinderella (which I own and have not gotten too yet) And the Selection, I've been so darn curious about these books. They have mixed reviews, but now I see there are more books coming out, and I kinda want to see if they are for me. I grabbed the Audio cause it was on sale this week. :) 

Winter is really starting to pile up out there. Plus, the negative temps are getting old. I long for Spring. :/

But while we are stuck inside... my husband has been building a new master bedroom for us. The hardwood floor is looking fly, I must say :) 

I hope you are all keeping warm! Have a great week!


  1. I loved The Selection. I hope you enjoy it.

  2. Gorgeous floor!

    Happy reading, April. :)

  3. I loved the Selection series, I'm excited to see what the new book has in store..especially since I though it was over! I'm with you on the longing for Spring, but I'm from the Midwest and this weekend we experienced unseasonably high made it up to 57! yesterday and is supposed to do it again today, but it is supposed to get down in the 20's by the end of the week. Gah mother nature is such a fickle thing!

    S.Huston @ Head In The Clouds

  4. I love, love, love The Selection. I hesitated to read them because I wasn't sure if I'd like them but then ended up binge reading them all last year. Now I'm obsessed and can't wait for The Heir. I hope you enjoy it! And, whoa...snow. I almost forget what it looks like. We've had none at all this year. Last year I had a 6 foot high drift at the end if my driveway, this year, barely three inches total all winter (I live in PA). Happy reading!

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minions

    My StS

  5. I'm wishing for spring as well! I'm located in Chicago so we had the fun blizzard that went though last weekend. So tired of snow and cold. :(

  6. I thought The Selection was really good! I didn't have high expectations for it so maybe that's why I really enjoyed it lol.

  7. I really enjoyed Maybe Not. I love Warren so I was happy to see his story! I hope you enjoyed everything! And I'm totally ready for the snow to be done!

  8. I loved The Selection. I hope that you will enjoy it as well! We are wishing for a bit of your snow. We got a dusting last week, but that was it. At least it was enough to give us some of the moisture the ground needed here.
    Check out my STS
